Subject: ~Best FREE Natural Cure Offers of 2013

Best FREE Offers of 2013!

2013 is almost over. Lets reminisce, briefly.

Emergency room visits due to Ambien skyrocketed. Synthetic multivitamins were found to be a “waste of money,” yet again. Obamacare came to fruition, whether we wanted it or not. And the United States ranked last behind the 15 wealthiest nations in avoiding preventable deaths from heart disease, diabetes, stroke and bacterial infections.

Yet, we spent more money per capita, than any nation in the world on health care! The People’s Chemist showed us that, “Annual global drug profits, if stacked in cash, would occupy two thousand stacks of bills, each one as high as the Empire State Building.”

Fortunately, there is a slow exodus from Big Pharma. This year, doubled its sales and reached a record number of people who have decided to take charge of their health.

We want to celebrate with our “Best Of 2013” package.

Below, you will find our most popular FREE Health Alerts. Each one is designed to inspire a life of living young and therefore, yield more quality time with your loved ones. Please feel free to forward this to at least 10 people so they can have the gift of health, too.

Have a wonderful holiday!

Jeff Milano

3 Reasons This Chemist Doesn’t Vaccinate His Children

Parents who choose not to vaccinate their children and protect them with vaccine exemption forms are often chastised and stereotyped for putting their own kids at risk. But what is even stranger than this assault on individual freedom and informed choice, is that these concerned parents are attacked for putting vaccinated children at risk. If vaccines actually worked, then why would they be at-risk? Learn more with the FREE reports below:

Vaccine Exemption Forms for Each State

Physician Answers 11 Vaccine Questions Every Parent Should Ask

Historical Look at Vaccine Failure and Risk

5 Deadly Pills

In his award-winning book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, Shane outlined how to choose the “right” supplement for your needs. These are the 5 most common mistakes people make when trying to find the right supplement for themselves. Don’t make them!

8 Weight Loss Lies than Can Permanently Harm You

Ever wonder why exercise doesn’t work? What about bio-identical hormones? Are they safe? Is the low carb diet killing you? Take time to listen to 8 weight loss lies at link below:

The Fastest (and cheapest) Way To Lose 10 lbs, for $1.41

No starving or losing muscle! Don’t get scammed by pricey and ineffective cleansing gimmicks. Learn how to cleanse properly using inexpensive, easy-to-obtain supplements from Wal-Mart and Amazon.

Chemist Shows How To Avoid Blood Clots And Lower Blood Pressure

Stay clear of heart attack and stroke: Avoid unruly clots and lower blood pressure - WITHOUT prescription drugs! That’s right, don’t become a health care statistic! Get the “Best Heart Pills Worst Heart Pills,” FREE to learn how to bulletproof your heart and wean off of BP medications:

If you have a question about something not covered here, be sure to visit our blog and use the search field (top right) to enter your topic of interest. If it’s covered, you will easily find the information you are looking for. Stay healthy, be safe and make smart decisions this holiday season.

Dare To Live Young!

Everyone at The People’s Chemist wishes you the very best this holiday... And Always!

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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