Subject: ~ALERT! Reuters News Highlights My Urgent Warning!


My book sales are through the roof and my blog is more popular than ever.  
Yet, you wouldn't know it watching social media trends.  Few people have the
guts to share "The People's Chemist," or even be caught reading me...As if my
writing was somehow illegal, people "sneak it" or do it in private. 

Reuters News to the rescue! My latest blog, "3 Reasons We Need to End Water Fluoridation,"
recently made their headlines:

Who said you can't get the attention of mainstream media?

Don't get me wrong.  The vast majority of my fans are bad ass.  They could care less what  
friends and family think about their views.  They live to make a difference.  
These are the people like Karen in Arizona who stocks every room of her guest ranch
with a copy of Over-The-Counter Natural cures (  
There is also John in Nebraska who bought 25 copies for his friends and family.  And don't
forget about Brenda and Ralph who have followed my directions for over 8 years to gain
measurable health results each and every day since.

(Which reminds me, if you're a complete moron and can't follow directions, don't
even think about buying my book, or even reading this entire email.)

If half the people on Facebook and Twitter had the same motivation to help others
as they do to cheer for their favorite football team, the world would be much healthier 
for it.  

Here's to people who make a difference!  We don't need Reuters to underscore what
is right and wrong...But it sure helps others who need "qualifiers" to take action.

...Share this so other people can learn the dangers of fluoride!  You can post your
comments direct to me at the blog here:

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist