Subject: 🎅IMPORTANT: Holiday shipping update

Our last shipping day before the holiday is Dec. 20. Regular shipping will resume Monday, Dec. 26, weather permitting.

Hi Friend,

We've got it straight from the big guy in the red suit:

Holiday shipping and dubias don't mix.

We think he's just squeamish.

(Shhh...don't tell him what's on his hat!)

But he's got a point.

To keep DOA's to a minimum, we will NOT be shipping dubias between Dec. 21st and 25th.

So you know what that means...

Order now if you need 'em sooner than next year.

Ho ho ho,

The Bug Shed Team

P.S. This week Monday and Tuesday (Dec. 19th & 20th) are the LAST days to order dubias before Christmas! Regular shipping will resume on Monday, Dec. 26th.

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