Subject: Dubia life cycle - 👉what you should know

Plan your reptile's diet better with detailed knowledge of the dubia life cycle. Read our latest blog to learn all about it!

Hi Friend,

"How long will dubia roaches stay small? How fast do they age? How long before they start to breed?"

Why learn the answers to these questions? Because knowledge is power! ðŸ˜‰

Knowing the dubia life cycle gives you—the reptile owner—way more power.


  • Fewer "OMG-I-need-to-order-bugs-like-yesterday" moments.

  • Confidence that you can plan easily for the right amount of roaches to get you through holidays and busy times.

  • It can even save you money on shipping by letting you plan ahead.

  • And of course if you plan to breed your own dubias you'll need to know when to expect babies and how fast they will grow.

Check out our latest blog to learn everything you need to know about the life cycle of dubia roaches!


The Bug Shed Team

P.S. We just posted a limited supply of 3/4"-1" roaches. First come first serve!

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