Subject: Upcoming Essential Light Institute Workshop Healing the Healer

Dear CHLQ members and fellow Daimistas,

In a few weeks The Essential Light Institute is hosting its first workshop
of the New Year in its new location at The House of White Eagle in
Ashland, Oregon.
As Jonathan briefly shared at the end of our King’s Day work, the
teachings, framework, and instructions that are explored, taught, and
internalized in the ELI workshops are invaluable for navigating the
works of the Santo Daime. Not only do they teach us how to meet,
navigate, and further participate with the Divine Forces, they teach the
spiritual life skills for being in the doctrine of the Daime in our day-to-
day life. By encountering and working with the spiritual forces and
energies as you are, without any medicine to navigate, a lot of
integration between your spiritual and material selves and lives can
occur. You get to experience in another way who you are in relation to
those forces in a slightly less acute and amplified setting.
The workshop offers a space to learn about your self, deepen your
healing, and continue your spiritual education and development. It
offers a space for discussion and sharing, for group exercises, and for
guided mediation and teaching to get the most understanding out of
what you experience. The workshops are also a chance to put into
greater practice the things you learn in the Daime.
This upcoming workshop of Healing the Healer is based on the
fundamental teachings of the Three Groundings, a technique you may
have encountered briefly in Self-Transformation works. This practice
and the accompanying exploration of the chakras, one’s own center, and
learning to cultivate, invoke, and embody the qualities of the Three
Groundings as well as the heart, are what allow us to deeply enter into
and experience what firmness truly is without fear or worry about what
will happen if we surrender to the power of the Daime and to our own
healing program. This technique is part of the base of conscious
mediumistic exploration and allows us to evolve, communicate, and
explore that work with self-awareness and unattached focus. It allows
us to be present but not interfere, and to discern from a deeper place in
ourselves what is what.
This technique and exercise is also what creates the container of the
work and builds and maintains the current in a clear, heart centered
way. Imagine a whole salao of people all consciously grounding,
entering their hearts, and connecting to Light? Imagine a whole salao of
people continuously invoking Compassion and Forgiveness for
themselves and for others? And imagine our community with more
people practicing every day to consciously embody those energies?
I think a lot of resistance and circumnavigation in the Daime, and to the
power of the Daime, comes from the fear of not knowing how to be
relaxed, calm, and participatory in a non-attached way when the force
gets really strong and starts shaking us, internally and/or externally. I
see and experience firsthand that if we have a strong practice of being
grounded on earth, the knowledge of how to access calm, compassion,
and our own center, and the ability to consciously connect with Light,
we bring that to the works and the Daime can then access and teach us
even more. We can go that much deeper and let go that much more
because we are secure inside ourselves and in relation to the spiritual
forces. Many hymns say it’s not to just take the Daime. We also have to
practice and establish the spiritual teachings outside of the ceremonies.
The workshops of the Essential Light Institute are another type of
classroom, just like the works of the Santo Daime are their own
laboratory. And while no medicine is taken, the Divine Forces and
vibrations arrive and teach and heal because the space is one of Light,
Calm, Compassion, Faith, Forgiveness, and profound healing.
The more people from church who also participate in and get to know
this companion work, the greater our current of the heart can be.
This is a great introductory workshop and it is perfect for anyone who is
working for the Light during this time on earth. As Jonathan says “ a
healer is someone who has consciously chosen to be of use in the relief
of suffering. A true healer is a bridge between the worlds of spirit and
matter. Being a healer is a path of deepening service and self-evolution.
And to help others and not get burned out and sick yourself, you need
skills of clearing, protection and accessing help from beyond yourself.”
Healing the Healer
January 24-26
$525 includes organic catered lunches, snacks, tea
Ashland, Or

For more information about the workshop visit or email
Thank you for reading,
Zara Seligson
Creative Director, The Essential Light Institute

CHLQ, 295 E Main Street, Suite 14, 97520, Ashland, United States
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