Subject: Proof 1 - August Newsletter 2018

O Mensageiro
Church of the Holy Light of the Queen
August Newsletter 2018
August Schedule of Works


5th - Sunday- 1pm - Mensageiros da Cura in the Forest - Whites/No Uniform

6th - Monday - 6pm - Mass - Blue Farda

15th - Wednesday - 7pm - Concentration - Blue Farda

25th - Saturday - Full Moon Work - David and Mona's land in Gold Hill - Details TBA

Up Coming Events

A Conversation about Race, Class, Power, and Privilege in the Community
Every Thursday in August (5 classes)
6-8 p.m, by Donation
Dear Beloved CHLQ Community,

This letter and the attached link are an invitation to join Tonai and Jaime for a 5-week facilitated discussion on Race, Class, Power and Privilege in our community. 

This class will be held in the CHLQ church office from August 2nd-30th, every Thursday night, from 6-8pm.

Over the past season, as National tensions around race have dramatically increased,
Tonai and I have been in deep discussion together, and with the larger Ashland community, about racial dynamics in our world, in Ashland, and in predominantly white spiritual spaces.

We sincerely want to support CHLQ in being informed, current, responsive and as safe as possible when it comes to serving all people, and especially People of Color (POC's) who may choose to find their way into our community in the future.

We also want to offer this class as a prayer of gratitude and loyalty to our beloved Mestre,
and carry on his mission of liberating those in bondage.

We want to come out of denial and unconsciousness on this topic,
and discover our blind spots together. We want to open our hearts and minds
to be able to see and hear perspectives that may be very different from our own,
so that we can experience accelerated learning, growth and expansion of awareness.

Also, we are hoping for a successful trial run of this class, together as co-facilitators,
in the safe context of our beloved CHLQ community, so that we can get the experience we need to take this class into other communities, including other Santo Daime communities.

If you are interested, please fill out the registration form below, and
consider contributing a financial donation to help grow our CHLQ Membership Assistance Fund,

::: Registration Form :::

We are available to talk and respond to emails if there any questions about this class.

With Love and Gratitude,
Jaime and Tonai

Jaime: 919.448.7503 -
Tonai: 541.973.4938 -

 Desert Work in Bend
August 4th 
Hi All,

We are now taking reservations for the 2018 Biennial Desert Work which will be in the desert east of Bend on Sat, August 4th. Due to space limitations, we are only able to accept a maximum of 60 participants. We are regretfully unable to accommodate 1st time Daime participants.

If you are planning to attend, please RSVP directly to this email ASAP. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.

We will gather for the work at 3:00 a.m. on Saturday morning, August 4th. We will meet in the Costco parking lot in Bend and carpool to the site. Details as to location etc. will follow in a later email to those who have received confirmation of their registration.

Suggested donation for the work is $60 - 80.

Hymn books for the desert work include the Morning Hymns, Ron’s hinario and Maria Alice’s O’Rosario. There will be a limited number of books to loan or purchase. You can also download your own from

Maria Alice’s and Ron's hinarios, full recording and script are available on the same website. The Morning Hymns can be found under “local hymns”.

Please let us hear from you as soon as possible so we can complete our planning. Thank you!

Blessings and Love~
Ceu da Divina Luz

August 23-26 - Foxhaven Farm, Maryland
September 6-9 - Suttle Lake, Oregon
Dear Ones,

What do I love about Heart Camp? Let me count the ways.

1) It’s camp. We must therefore have fun. It can’t be avoided.

2) It’s in beautiful nature. We have a lake in the woods in Oregon, a magical waterfall in the forest in Maryland.

3) We create our Circle of Compassion in those settings and we call on the forces of nature to join us and help us. It adds a layer of powerful help to our already strong circle.

4) It’s dedicated to our personal healing. As always in our work, we can go deep into ourselves....But at Heart Camp we do in an atmosphere even more relaxed and at ease. It’s camp.

5) Sure we cry sometimes. Powerful things happen. Long time hangings on let go and new revelations appear. But we laugh too. Sometimes at the same time.

6) Heart Camp is totally appropriate for people at all levels of familiarity with their own healing process and our work. It’s a chance for veterans to deepen their own transformation and for new folks to dive in.

7) We’ve seen miraculous movement in many people at Heart Camp.

8) I get to teach the basics of Transformational Energy Healing, but also to learn from each person who comes.

9) The food is great.

What else? Oh yeah. We get to experience—for real and without a doubt—what being in the heart feels like, looks like and acts like. Not metaphorically or rhetorically. Actually. And we can then take that with us to transform our non-camp lives.

Heart Camp to Heart Life.

Sounds great to me.


August 23-26 - Foxhaven Farm, Maryland
$675 tuition includes catered lunches.

Fox Haven is a farm, ecological retreat and learning center, and wildlife sanctuary situated in the rolling Piedmont hills of central Maryland. Affordable accommodations are available at Foxhaven as is the option to bring a tent.
September 6-9 - Suttle Lake, Oregon
$775 tuition includes room and meals.

Suttle Lake is a glacier lake in the heart of the Cascades. Wooded trails, lakes and starlight are just a few of natures gifts that we will have the opportunity to incorporate into our weekend together. Accommodations are included as is the option to bring a tent.

To register or for more information please email us at :

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of light in all its expressions. For more information about Essential Light Institute or any of our programs, please email us at : 

Full Moon Work August 25th
Gold Hill, Oregon

This is a special work in which we are honoring the Divine Feminine by having the women of CHLQ select and share the pulling of hymns dedicated to and calling the force of the Moon.  
We will be in ceremony outside under the light of the stars and full moon! 
Pre-Registration is Required.  Upon Registering you will be given the address along with essential details on how to come best prepared.  

You Are Light in the Darkness: Embodying Compassion, Faith and Forgiveness
Recorded 3 Session Online Class Series with Jonathan Goldman

We are taught by all the true spiritual teachers from every line and every culture that the Divine is inside of us. We are counseled to cease our endless, fruitless and ultimately hopeless looking and questing outside of ourselves for what they know and teach us is waiting for our attention in the inner dimensions of our own being. In fact, the qualities we associate with authentic spirituality—calmness in the face of turmoil, compassion in the face of suffering, faith in the face of fear and forgiveness in the face of condemnation, judgment and vengeance—are indeed inside us. They each have their assigned place in your your energy vehicle—your bodies—and more specifically in your heart. In this class you will be given a new and authentic view of your self—your bodies, your inner landscape, your inner being. You will then be guided to discover these spiritual qualities inside yourself and how to access and make use of them. Making these spiritual qualities into practical ones and helping you to take the next steps on your own path of transformation, healing, illumination and empowerment.

Session 1: Entering Your Heart
Session 2: Activating the Universal Forces in Your Heart
Session 3: Living in the Heart in the Material World
Series Tuition:

Each class is 90 minutes.
This recorded class series is available on demand.
Jonathan Goldman is a 40 year practitioner in the fields of acupuncture, energy medicine and spiritual healing. He is principle director at the Essential Light Institute. Jonathan is the developer of Transformational Energy Healing and the originator of the Chakra Map method of observing and helping the Human Energy Vehicle. He is an entertaining and reverently irreverent teacher, calling people to their hearts through truth, courage, and laughter. He is the author of the book, Gift of the Body, which he describes as “a textbook for the adventure school of your life.”

Gift of the Body: A Multi-dimensional Guide to Energy Anatomy, Grounded Spirituality and Living Through the Heart by Jonathan Goldman is available on Amazon.


Thank you to all the members of CHLQ for coming together in an amazing display of unity yet again, to be able to conduct and participate in the deeply profound Self Transformation Works here in Ashland.  As a result of our growing unity we are able to welcome so many visitors with such grace.  
Thank you to all those who travelled far and wide to heal with us.
Gratitude especially to Johnathan and Jane for who they are, and all they do to be the stewards of this Self Transformation Work.  
Viva Nova Fardada!
Congratulations to our newest member Ellen on taking a great leap of Faith this summer festival.  We are honored to have you with us. 
May your path always be blessed. 
Prayer Offerings from Cliff Gomes
These are prayers I’ve received in our spiritual works. ❤️

Prayer - Received in a Cura with Céu Da Divina Rosa.

I am the valley of forgiveness and a golden river of eternal love is flowing through me. A healing rain falls gently here to touch each blade of grass. I am the soft light of morning come to awaken my brothers and sisters who gather here. All beings that have ever lived are given welcome here. All beings who arrive here discover that they have life still and will live forever. All true creation is given welcome here.
Your family awaits you here and they are safe, healed and whole. Here, loss and separation are finally and forever set aside. Angels will guide and comfort you here, and love gives you welcome home.


Prayer - Received July 4th 2018

You are, you are, you are.
You are the sons and daughters of life eternal and no harm can befall you here. Every breath is noted with care and is received as a witness to your prayer. Every heartbeat is the drumming that sets the pace of the march to the gateway of your release. Every question left unanswered by the world as it seems to be will be given answer in full. It’s kept safe for you till once again you can hear the truth, and it will bathe you in a symphony of welcome at your homecoming. Everything beautiful in the world is a reflection of that which will never abandon you, though you left it awhile unseen and tried in vain to leave it there. You are, you are, you are the harvest gathered in its season, you and yours, ripe and full and giving of yourself freely to be consumed in a feast of love evermore.

A Call for Prayers and Assistance
Dear Friends and Daime Family,

Please consider donating to this campaign to save our dear friend Yuliana's life.  Yuliana has been part of our family here in Mexico for years.

She helps make our life and Daime Point possible by caretaking our 3 year old Lukajack.  And she is Lukajack's best friend in the world.

A few months ago Yuliana became suddenly ill and was diagnosed with complete failure of both kidneys.
She is spending $1500/month on dialysis to stay alive and is on the waiting list for a transplant.

The medical expenses are huge and we are raising money to help with the costs.
Even a little bit helps and even if you can’t donate please share this page:

Sky&Holly&Lukajack Yeager
~ Sky Yeager ~

We are Celebrating the Lives of...
"There are two great days in a person's life - the day we are born and the day we discover why."

Extended Calendar of Spiritual Works


1st - Saturday - 5pm - Forgiveness Work - Blue Farda

15th - Saturday - Concentration - Blue Farda

29th - Saturday - Healing Work TBA - Blue Farda


CHLQ, 295 E Main Street, Suite 14, 97520, Ashland, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.