Subject: ☀️🌙🌟 CHLQ: Registration for November 18th Concentration is Open

Registration Open for November 18th Work

Church of the Holy Light of the Queen

Registration is Open

Date: Saturday, November 18th

Time: 4:00 p.m.

Location:  Indoors in the salão

Hinarios: Concentration hymns with some hymns for Jane's birthday

Farda: Blue

Registration Deadline: Thursday, November 16th at midnight

Please don't come if you have any symptoms, or are in doubt about even a mild symptom. Also please do not attend if you have had a recent close exposure. Please follow these guidelines seriously out of respect for the health and safety of your brothers and sisters.

Register at this link:

Schedule of Works


  • 18 Saturday: Concentration

December (all dates tentative / TBD)

  • 7 Thursday - Start of Festival. 5 p.m., White Farda (yes date has changed)

  • 31 Sunday - New Year’s Work

We are celebrating the lives of....


13 - Zachary C.

14 - Nathaniel N.

17 - Jane S.

17 - Melissa D.

Happy Birthday!


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