Subject: ☀️🌙🌟 CHLQ: On the Occasion of Our 25th Anniversary

On the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of

The Church of the Holy Light of the Queen

A Letter from Jane


Dear Extended Circle of CHLQ,


May your days be filled with calm and peace.

May you maneuver through your days with compassion.

May you secure yourself on your path with gratitude and charity to all beings.

May your heart be open, your mind be free of ideology, and may you find joy in your life.


CHLQ will celebrate our 25th anniversary of continuous works in the Doctrine of the Santo Daime this coming October 7, 2021.  We will have the work to celebrate that milestone on October 10 to make it possible for more people to attend. 


I am deeply committed to the path and the Doctrine of the Santo Daime and have arranged my life to meet the demands of my spiritual path.  I have been drinking Daime for 32 years and have been a fardada in the Santo Daime for 27 years. I received my star in 1994 in Mauá with José Rosa on the day of São Pedro in the hinario of Padrinho Alfredo.  My home church, the Church of the Holy Light of the Queen, became an official church in the Santo Daime in 1996.  We have been practicing continually and supporting CEFLURIS, now ICEFLU, for all of those years.


We spearheaded the legalization of the Santo Daime in the United States.  It was a 10-year process that required us to deepen our faith, find courage, and build union. Our victory 12 years ago contributed to the universal cause of freedom and eased the way for people from all backgrounds and designations to be able to drink Daime without fear. The legalization of the Daime has also given cover to everyone drinking Daime in this country.


You are among the many people who have come to drink Daime with us and benefit from the atmosphere of liberation that we have cultivated. I know that you are as grateful as I am for the effort that went into securing that victory and the ongoing faith-filled effort that goes into the continuation of the program of CHLQ.


We have dedicated ourselves to spreading the tenets of peace, love, charity, justice, truth, kindness, and open heartedness, and to transforming ourselves to do that more authentically.


It has been our honor and pleasure to study the teachings of the Santo Daime as they reveal themselves through the hymns.  Every chance to sing, learn, and study a hymn gives the opportunity to enter more fully into the astral archive of knowledge that is revealed over time. We are in a mystery school; our lessons are profound and demand that we pay attention without preconceived ideas of what anything means.  We learn through the experience.  We allow knowledge to be uncovered and understood over time always allowing for the lesson to deepen and morph with our own understanding. What we may know today will shift tomorrow. Our school and our professors are infinitely creative and demand of us that we be open minded and examine ourselves ruthlessly. We have dedicated ourselves and our church to serving the Light.


In 2005, Baixinha let us know that she was coming to be with us in Ashland, Oregon.  We decided to honor that visit by creating a place to receive her.  We put up two yurts surrounded by a deck.  One was a salão and the other yurt was a healing space.  It is now 2021 and our deck has disintegrated; 16 years is a long time for a deck to last.  We have to replace it and have already begun that process.


We are asking that those of you who have been here to drink Daime legally, either with our local church or with the many illuminaries who have graced us with their presence, contribute to our necessary renovation.  We need to raise $15,000. It sounds like a lot but if everyone who has enjoyed a work in our salãos or in the terreiro gives $35-50, we would be able to rebuild the deck with no difficulty.  Of course, you are welcome to send more.


Basically, I am asking you to show your gratitude for the existence of CHLQ, the dedication of the people of the church, and the honor of drinking legalized Daime by helping us rebuild our deck.


Our new deck will last at least another 16 years, and we can look forward to being together in our sacred space as we continue  our path of learning and understanding.


CHLQ is a 501C3 organization which means that all contributions are tax deductible.


You can send a check with a notation “deck” to:


P.O.Box 911

Ashland. Oregon



You can send through PayPal:

Please notate “deck” in comments


Thank you in advance,

Much Love,


For the Board  and church of CHLQ


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