Subject: ☀️🌙🌟 CHLQ: Clarification: Mensageiros da Cura in the Forest May 27th

 Mensageiros da Cura in the Forest

May 27th

Church of the Holy Light of the Queen

Registration for May 27th is Open

This work is a benefit for the Papai Velho and Mamãe Velha Fund. It is to support the elders of Ceu do Mapia who have held the center there since they came to Mapia with Padrinho Sebastião. 

They are the ones who came at the beginning of the mission there and now need help.  They are the ones who live in Mapia and do not travel outside of that region.  Let’s all honor them with our generosity.

Please note: the earlier email said 'Benefit for Mapia', which is different; this is specifically a benefit for the Papai Velho and Mamãe Velha Fund.

Date: Saturday, May 27th

Time: 12:00 noon. Please arrive early at 11:30 so we can start on time.

Location: Outdoors in the terreiro

Hinarios: Mensageiros da Cura

Farda: Blue Farda, no tie.

Please let us know you'll be attending by Thursday, May 25th at midnight if you can.

Schedule of Works


  • 27 Saturday - Mensageiros - Blue Farda, no tie - 12:00 noon, outside on terreiro


  • 5 Monday - Mass

  • 10 Saturday - St. Anthony Work

  • UPDATE: There will be no work on the 17th

  • 23 Friday - St. John Work


  • 3 Monday - Mass (tentative)

  • 8 Saturday - Passage of Mestre Irineu

  • 29 Saturday - Mary Magdalene Work

We are celebrating the lives of....


1 - Jonathan G.

4 - Bruce A.

7 - Claudia Z.

8 - Paulino A.

10 - Tricia A.

14 - Xian P.

15 - Aina Mei K.

17 - Sommer M.

20 - LauraLee L.

Happy Birthday!


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