Subject: ☀️🌙🌟 CHLQ: Announcing Our New Website! & Correction for Saturday's Work

We Have a New Website!

+ Correction for

 June 11th work

Church of the Holy Light of the Queen

Corrections for June 11 Work

At the Day of São Antônio work proof of negative Covid tests are still required, and we will be singing Pd. Alfredo 95 to the end of the first hinario and through Nova Era.

Here are the details about Covid tests: Everyone who attends this work, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, is required to take a rapid Covid self-test the day of the work, and bring proof of a negative result.

Everyone is responsible to purchase their own test kits, but if you have been unable to find any in-stock please contact the office at to purchase one of a limited number of church-owned test kits. They will be sold at cost ($11.95 each) until supplies run out.

Exciting Announcement

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are happy to announce that our new website is now ready.

The website helps new people to learn about CHLQ and the Daime and apply to attend a work. If a friend is interested in coming to CHLQ, you can send them the link to the site and they can apply from there.

There is also a special members-only section, with three pages - Schedule, Community Offerings, and New Hymns.

  • The New Hymns page allows you to download newer hymns that may not be in your hinarios. There are some already available, and more will be added.

  • You can view the current schedule and register for works on the 'Schedule' page.

  • The Community Offerings page allows you to share work that you do, a project you have coming up, or a special skill you'd like people to know about. Ongoing offerings as well as one-time events are appropriate.

There are a few quirks to be aware of:

  • If you would like to submit a community offering, please note that although the website directs you to use a 'Submit' button that takes you to the Contact form, you cannot upload images there. Instead, send images to and make sure to include all details of the offering, such as contact information, relevant dates, links, etc. Photos must be horizontal in orientation, and all posts are subject to approval.

  • On the Schedule page there is no way to enter an event without putting both a start time and an end time. End times of course are to be ignored, as works end when they end. And when an event is listed but the time has not yet been determined, pay attention to the 'Time TBD' notice in the header as definitive. It will be changed once the time is set. (All this will be more clear when you are viewing the schedule page).

  • The member's-only pages are only for people who are receiving this email. Do not forward the password or this email to anyone else. If someone does not have access and feels they should, they can email with this request directly.

The website is:

The password to the members-only pages is:




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