Subject: Make Way For The Movers And The Shakers - from Theresa

Hi Friend,
How's it goin'?
I'm running out the door but wanted to
take a minute to share my marketing tip
for today.
Are you making friends online?
Everyone is and should be as part of their
goal of extending their network.
But some people have gotten caught up
with adding friends just to have the
It's not about the numbers, though, it's
about the quality of the friends you have.
Who are they?
What do they do?
Are they people who can help you?
Can they refer others to you?
These are the questions that you
should be focusing on...
Not,"how many names can I add to my list

Here's the tip for today:
Theresa’s Marketing Tip: It's Not The Size Of
Your Network.

As marketers, we are always building and
extending our networks.

In connecting and interacting with
people, we can make further connections
and eventually come upon other people
who can assist, support and patronize us.

Your goal is to connect with people who can
make things happen for you and vice versa.

Don't be fooled, however, by numbers such as
number of friends on social media.

If they never reach out to you or respond
when y
ou reach out, they probably aren't the
best fit for your network.

It is more beneficial and valuable to have,
for example,100 people in your network
who are motivated and have influence than
to have 1500 who are neither.

If those 1500 are not motivated, have little
or no influence and never interact with you,
where's the benefit?

Make way for those who are movers and shakers
because they are the ones who can help open
doors for you and your brand.

Hope you got some value!
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That's it for now!
But if you need me, I'm around!
Have a wonderful day!

Your partner on the journey!

P.S. Click HERE to learn more about the 
I'm using to help me 
generate leads, sign up reps 
and make 
money from the 90% of people who say 
NO to 
my opportunity!

Check out my 
For much more tips, tricks, training, inspiration 

Email me:
Text me! 646-573-3850

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purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary.
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