Subject: Do You Use Tools Or Do You Just Get To Talking? - from Theresa

Hi Friend,

Quick question...

Do you use tools when doing a presentation? you just get to talking?

Tools are DVDs, CDs, videos, brochures or
anything else put together by the company to
give prospects a comprehensive look at the
product, service or opportunity.

Quite often, when a marketer is exposing
someone, he may rely on his own knowledge
about the product, service or opportunity.

One of the problems here is that his own
knowledge may be limited and the prospect
will not get the complete picture.

Another problem is that marketers have a
tendency of talking too much and once they
get started, it's hard to stop.

You'll remember a detail that you left out
or you'll belabor a point to convince the prospect.

What you don't want to do is convince anyone
of anything. You're there as a consultant,
educating the prospect.

Also, by constantly adding something you forgot,
you come off as unprepared - to the point where your
presentation looks more like a desperate attempt to
get a sale or sign up.

And one thing you DON'T want is to appear

This is why tools are such important part of
your presentation.

Created by the company, they hold just enough
information to give the prospect a clear picture.
The company knows what to say and how to say it.

They know just how much information to make
available and in whatever format, make it attractive
and informative.

Your role is to share the information via a tool
then let the tool do all the talking.

That's it for now!
Until next time

Your partner on the journey!

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