Subject: You Are the Team Book Updates

Hi All, It has been a little while since I have posted. I have been on vacation this last week :) I am getting back at it now. Here are a few updates and another request.

The book continues to do well. I am on to the second phase of my plan which is to turn my book into a business. This phase includes providing options to buy the book and workbook at bulk prices. 
The more you purchase, the deeper the discount. You can see that here if you are interested. Please feel free to share with others. 

We are up to 32 reviews on Amazon! Thank you again to each of you who took the time to read the book and leave a review. I know several of you who are planning on reading and leaving a review soon. I will be doing another follow up in the next few days.

Request: When you have a moment can you also leave a review at Simply copy and paste your review from Amazon to goodreads. If you aren't familiar with this site, it is a wonderful app for people who love books (like me). 

Finally, if you any of you are thinking about writing a book, let me know. I would love to talk to you and help you where I can. I have learned a few things :)

Thanks again for all of your help. You are all amazing! Have a Happy 4th for those of you in the US and a great week!

Teamwork and Leadership, PO Box 262, Cedar City, UT 84721, United States
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