Subject: You Are The Team by Michael G. Rogers Update

Hi Friend,

You are getting this email because you expressed an interest for information around my book "You Are the Team."

Here is the latest and greatest:

1. For a day or two next week, later in the week, "You Are the Team" will be available for free for you to download (a 9.99 value). 

I will let you know via email when it is available so that you can download it immediately during our official launch. You will also get a link for downloading the workbook (a 49.00 value) at that time. Stay tuned.

2. The book is currently available for pre-sale at 99 cents. The advantage to getting the book pre-sale is that you get the book automatically sent to you this coming Monday, June 5th several days before the actual launch. This ensures that you get it at a great price and ahead of everyone else. Additionally, you will also get the free workbook sooner.

Go here to pre-order the book at this one time low price and get your book before everyone else! 

3. I understand that some of you weren't able to see the video I sent out last week on the book. Here is the link if you would like to see it. Go here. 

Please feel free to share this with anyone you would like. We are almost at 900 subscribers who will be getting my book and the workbook free next week. I am most likely going to cap it at 1,000 who sign up. So if you know anyone who would be interested, let them know. There's a few more days before I shut the opportunity down. Go here to get the book free next week.

Thanks again. Happy Teamwork!

Michael Rogers
Teamwork and Leadership, PO Box 262, Cedar City, UT 84721, United States
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