Subject: Why Your Personal Development May Suck—Plus a Hilarious Video You Won't Forget

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Why Your Personal Development May Suck & Hilarious Video You Won’t Forget Is your personal leadership development like a five-minute university? One of my favorite videos is from an old chain-smoking priest character called Father Guido Sarducci played by Don Novello.

While Novello had many funny skits, Father Guido Sarducci's Five-Minute University is the best. He offers a degree at "his university" that is based on what the "average college graduate remembers in five years after he or she is out of school." You can watch the video below. I highly recommend you do, you won't ever forget it.

One thing I have learned through my own personal development and in the business of developing others is that it is easy to forget most of what you learn unless
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Are you tired of issues with trust, poor communication, selfishness, negativity, whining, gossip, meanness, lack of commitment and poor productivity on your team.

If you are, there is a good chance it is stressing you out and you may even be losing sleep and dreading coming into work. The drama can be too much at times and you most likely wish it would just all go away. Feel familiar?

But it won't go away on its own. In fact the problems will just get worse—really worse, and lead to zero teamwork, super unhappy employees who find other jobs, and a team that cost your business or organization more and more money.

Michael wrote his new Amazon Bestselling book, You Are the Team—6 Simple Ways Teammates Can Go from Good to Great, to help leaders of every kind of team overcome these very types of issues. What he found after working with a number of teams is that they are quick to blame the leader for their woes, but members of those teams rarely asked themselves what they could do personally to improve the team. If teammates would start thinking about how they individually impact the team, it would make all the difference.

Michael wrote his book to inspire members of teams to step up and hold themselves accountable for what they bring to the team. It is a book that will change the way your team works together forever and will make your job of leading a whole heck of a lot easier and help you enjoy it a lot more.

For a limited time you can get the book for free (small shipping charge) and start transforming your team immediately. Go here to get it now.

My Favorite Leadership & Management Development Course Ever! Surprise!

My #1 course on leadership and management may surprise you. You may not even consider it a leadership training course, but it is.

And the reality is some won’t take the course because they are afraid and others that do take it may not even pass! It can be the most difficult leadership development ever. And most of the time an instructor or coach doesn’t even show up.

What am I talking about? I call this leadership and management course... Read more...
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Play our Teamwork and Quotes videos while your team is walking into your next meeting, presentation or training. Participants will be inspired by the beautiful soundtracks, stunning photos and thoughtful quotes before the meeting, presentation or training starts! Watch the difference it makes in setting the tone. For more information and to download the videos go here
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