Subject: Teamwork Tuesday - Motivate every member of your team by...

Teamwork Tuesday Video - Motivate every member of your team by...

Hi All! I am trying something new. Every Tuesday I will be posting a video titled Tuesday Teamwork where I will provide a tip or two to strengthen your team. If you like today's video, please make sure you let me know. Watch the video here...
"Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution. ~Albert Einstein

"Selflessness is at the heart of happiness." ~Michael Rogers
Get my bestselling book You Are the Team—6 Simple Ways Teammates Can Go from Good to Great through Amazon or on my site. Thousands of copies already sold! Leaders are buying it for themselves, their team and organizations.

This book has inspired me to be a better team member! I have already become a better manager because of it. I have implemented a number of the suggestions, specifically being positive and celebrating a team members success in front of everyone. It was fun to watch the positive chain reaction of events take place by the simple act of celebrating another team member publicly. ~Jeffrey Fawcett-Training Manager, Wine Country Gift Baskets
How Do You Motivate Employees? It Isn't With Money! 
Okay, to a point money does motivate, of course. And the more money you throw at me the more motivated I will become, especially these days… for a little while anyway.

But that will soon fade as it becomes an expectation more than a reward. At some point more money isn’t going to matter as much. It is going to take something else.

Study after study has shown that being happy at work is more about... Read More...

2018 You Are the Team Workshops and Keynotes
Are you looking for a team building workshop or keynote speaker for your next conference, retreat or as part of an onsite training event in 2018? 

I offer half-day, full-day and two-day workshops for teams and organizations based off of my bestselling book You Are the Team—6 Simple Ways Teammates Can Go from Good to Great

Past participants have used words such as fun, engaging, interactive, inspiring and practical when describing my workshops.

I would love to help your team improve trust, collaboration, communication and positive energy this year!

Send me a note or give me a call to talk about your team or organization and what I can do to take your team from good to great or from great to even greater. You can shoot me an email at or call me directly at 888-310-3338. You can also go to my web site for more information at

"I enjoyed the teammate angle, and I really liked that the principles you taught are so applicable to all aspects of my life. I've listened to other similar types of presentations on self improvement, leadership, etc, but yours was the first one that made a genuine legitimate impact on my psyche/perspective of how I view others and the world around me. The stories, videos, and anecdotes you provided were memorable and helpful in learning a given principle." Workshop Participant
Videos tell stories in a powerful and inspiring way like nothing else can. Here is a special video package that will bring your team closer and get them to seriously start thinking about what kind of team player they are on your team and/or in your organization.

Download and use the videos immediately with your team or organization as part of a meeting, presentation or training! CLICK HERE
My Best Selling Teamwork Video Ever!
Are you looking for an activity to inspire and uplift your team? "United We Stand" is a brief video and discussion guide that is based on a simple story of why uniting as a team matters. 

You can download for immediate use with your teams. View the video and get more information by clicking here
Teamwork and Leadership, PO Box 262, Cedar City, UT 84721, United States
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