Subject: Need a Laugh? Great Video - Good Leadership Qualities Include...

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Need a Laugh? Great Video - Good Leadership Qualities Include...
Great leaders are contagious. But not in the way you might traditionally think. Their passion, inspiration and enthusiasm rubs off on those they lead. They are good at...
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3 Top Quotes of the Week

My experience has been that the worst time to comment is when we feel like commenting the most. Instead of replying when we are upset, it is better to sit on it, rest on it or leave it.
~Michael Rogers

Teamwork and Leadership

Never let a problem to be solved, become more important than a person to be loved. ~Thomas S. Monson

Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it. ~William Penn

Blast From The Past!
Is the Attitude of a Leader that Important? 3 Important Tips
Maybe you have mastered most of the important characteristics of a good leader, but if you miss having the right attitude of leader you will negate most of the good you have done or...
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