Subject: Leadership and Teamwork Can be Like a 100 Pound Potato Sack—Tip

[New Post] Leadership and Teamwork Can be Like a 100 Pound Potato Sack—Tip

Recently I found this VERY interesting way to exercise for those over 50.

First, stand on a comfortable floor.

Take a 5-pound potato sack in each hand and then extend your arms out from your side horizontally. Hold that position the best you can for one minute, then relax and repeat two more times.

Each day it will get easier and you will find that you can hold this position a little longer.

After two weeks, increase your strength by holding 10-pound potato sacks.

After one month... 
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The Lack of This on Teams is Not Good – Huge Teamwork Tip

Could you imagine any sports team seriously competing without a scoreboard? Do you think the teams would play different? Can you imagine watching the “big game” without seeing the score? How long would you continue to watch the game?

In my years of experience of developing teams in business I have rarely seen one use a scoreboard. In sports the scoreboard is very visible and is critical to the teams success as they... Read More...

The transformation of a team starts with the transformation of YOU. ~You Are the Team - Michael Rogers
For more information on Michael's bestselling book You Are the Team—6 Simple Ways Teammates Can Go from Good to Great CLICK HERE Over 10,000 copies sold to teams all over the world.
My Best Selling Teamwork Video Ever!
Are you looking for an activity to inspire and uplift your team? "United We Stand" is a brief video and discussion guide that is based on a simple story of why uniting as a team matters.

You can download for immediate use with your teams. View the video and get more information by CLICKING HERE

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