Subject: It's Been Crazy... Exciting News—You Are the Team

Hi Friend,

The last couple of months have been crazy.  

When I was writing my book I thought that was a busy time. But I have found that there is so much to do after writing a book—that is if you truly have a message that you want to get out to the world.

My goal has always been to change the way we think about teamwork. My message is that teamwork and leadership begins with the team, not the leader. 

I really truly believe that the key to effective teams is getting members of teams to start thinking and acting like leaders. 

I want to see every member of every team start leading by serving the team, improving trust, working humbly, staying positive, being respectful and striving to be the greatest teammate they can be. 

I want to see every member of every team focused and consumed with team results and creatively contributing to the vision and goals of the team, instead of simply taking direction around the next task.

Imagine for a minute a team full of people who really care about each other, who are regularly trying to raise the bar, who are inspiring others and holding each other accountable for performance. Would this make your job easier? Of course it would and making this happen has been my goal and my mission.

That's why I am super excited about a new program I have been working on that will accomplish my goal and mission of changing the way teams work together.

It's based on the principles of my book You Are the Team—6 Simple Ways Teammates Can Go from Good to Great. It is a program that is not only simple to implement on every type of team, but also really effective. It challenges and commits every member of the team to be more selfless, trustworthy, humble, positive, respectful and great—all teammate principles critical to the success of any team.

I will be sharing more in the coming weeks. I look forward to helping you and your teams become great!

If you haven't gotten a paperback version of my book yet, for a limited time you can get your free copy for just the cost of shipping. I pick up the cost for the book (retails for 14.95) and you pay a small fee for shipping if in the US (5.98). You can get your free copy here

Or, if you would rather pick it up through Amazon for full cost, you can do that here.

Happy Teamwork!

Michael Rogers
Teamwork and Leadership, PO Box 262, Cedar City, UT 84721, United States
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