Subject: Is Workplace Gossip Bad? I Hate It - But Now Always...

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Does Your Team or Organization Need a Boost?

United We Stand can be used at your next organizational event, at the start of your next team meeting, as part of training or a presentation. It is a quick, but powerful story of how uniting together can make a big, big difference to a team's success. It comes with a brief discussion guide and can be downloaded digitally or shipped. To see "United We Stand" click here.
Is Workplace Gossip Bad? I Hate It -
But Not Always...

You can usually tell when it is happening – one person is hunched over the other whispering into their ear as both of them share expressions of disgust or confusion or maybe even glee.

It is challenging enough for leaders to create a work environment where people feel safe and can do their work without the high school politics of their past. Gossip at work is a big problem, and I really truly believe leaders should do everything they can to squash it’s poisoning and harmful influence.

However, there is one type of gossip I don’t condemn...
I Hate Bad Meetings! Avoid These 5 Meeting Mistakes
Do you want people to show up at your next online business meeting or face to face meeting? Then don’t do stupid stuff!

I hate bad meetings. And believe me, I have attended my share of them. Something tells me you have attended your share as well.

Here are five meeting mistakes you must avoid.

1. Start late. I am one, if I can, who tries to get to meetings a little early. Doing so allows me time to prepare.

One sure way for me to know this will...
Do You Wish You Could Improve Team Morale?
Download our 3 inspirational teamwork quotes and question videos for one low price. Play while people are walking into your next meeting, presentation and training. Participants will be inspired by the beautiful soundtrack, stunning photos and thoughtful quotes before the meeting, presentation or training starts! Also download the powerful Team story on video "United We Stand." Great video for boosting your team's morale! For these videos and more go to Open The Meeting.
Teamwork and Leadership, PO Box 262, Cedar City, UT 84721, United States
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