Subject: Ever Heard of the “24 Hour Rule?” 3 Anger Management Tips

Ever Heard of the “24 Hour Rule?” 3 Anger Management Tips
The other night I sat in a parents meeting for my son who is playing high school basketball this year. After the coach had talked about policies, schedules etc… The school Athletic Director spoke.

He pleaded with parents to follow the “24 Hour Rule.” He said that whenever you have a gripe with a coach don’t approach him right after the game. If you do, the coach may act in a way he shouldn’t, which may cause you to act in a way you shouldn’t and vice versa.

Instead, he said, wait 24 hours, sleep on it and then deal with it. This is anger management 101, but something we all need to be reminded of from time to time as leaders.

I suppose you are a lot like me. There are times when...
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Whoaaa! Before You Send That Angry Email – 3 Important Tips
Okay, you have all been there, right? You are frustrated at someone or something, maybe angry, hurt or all of the above. You decide that email is your best option to communicate how you feel.

Whoaaa! Wait before you send that angry email.

A number of years ago I was misunderstood by a colleague of mine who had thrown me under the bus. I felt that her only motive for doing so was to shift the blame and accountability off of her and move it to me.

It felt unfair, calculating and conniving – I was fuming. I was so angry I immediately opened a new email message directed to this person, our business partner and boss and disputed everything she had said with my own personal spice and attacks.

I was getting ready to press “Send” when my wife walked in to my office.
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