Subject: Do you tell her? Why or why not? It’s harder than you think…

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[NEW] Do You Tell Her? Why or Why Not? It's Harder Than You Think...
When I speak to teams and organizations, I like to show a picture of a woman with her hand over her mouth with a shocked look, and I say something to the effect, “She just discovered that she has been walking around all day with a big piece of lettuce between her teeth. How many of you by a raise of hands would have told her?” After almost all of the hands go up I say, “I believe several of you, but.... Read More...
A Team Building Workshop That Actually Makes a Difference—A HUGE Difference
Are you looking for a team building workshop for your next conference, retreat or as part of an onsite training event? An event that inspires members of your team to put others first, to serve more, to collaborate and work together, take accountability, compliment each other more, refrain from negativity, extend more kindness, improve personal goals and focus and demonstrate more patience and empathy?

Do you need a facilitator who has wrote the gold standard book on how to be a more effective teammate and has sold 10,000+ copies? A facilitator who has spent 20 years in Learning and Development and puts an emphasis (with an exclamation mark) on application that last far beyond the workshop?

Give Michael a call at 888-310-3338 or simply reply to this message and let's talk about your team's needs. 

For more information go to  
Self Doubt And Fear And What You Can Do About It – 5 Quick Tips
Fear is a normal experience for all of us. Even though you may be a fairly courageous person, it doesn’t mean you aren’t afraid of things from time to time.

Has anyone ever encouraged you to do something they felt you would be very good at like applying for an upcoming manager position, writing a book, or speaking professionally? How did you respond? Did they... Read More...
My Best Selling Teamwork Video Ever!
Are you looking for an activity to inspire and uplift your team? "United We Stand" is a brief video and discussion guide that is based on a simple story of why uniting as a team matters. 

You can download for immediate use with your teams. View the video and get more information by clicking here
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