Subject: Flipping and Drumming | New Kids Classes

Gymnastics 🤸 & Brazilian Drumming!🥁
Now offered at Axé Capoeira Toronto!

Bring some excitement to your child's Sundays! We are excited to bring you 2 new classes starting September 29th.

10-10:45am | Minis Gymnastics (ages 3-5)
11-11:45am | Kids Gymnastics (ages 6-12)
12-12:50pm | Kids Brazilian Percussion (ages 7+)

2 Month Session (8 Classes)
Only $129 (per program) 

Register Here:

What to expect:
Minis Gymnastics - Class will focus on basic coordination and body positions needed for gymnastics and how to land/fall properly and avoid injuries. They'll learn basic skills like rolls, handstands, cartwheels, jumps, and variations of all of those.

Kids Gymnastics - Class will focus on body positions and muscle control in handstands and cartwheels, with more advanced techniques such as kick overs, falling to bridge, walkovers, front/back handsprings being added as they progress. For kids with some experience (Capoeira students or other experience), we will place more focus on muscle control to help clean up their moves.

Kids Brazilian Percussion - Class will focus on creating basic beats and rhythms and maintaining tempo. Classes will be taught in a fun and playful way to encourage learning through play. Children will have the chance to experiment with a variety of different Brazilian and world instruments and rhythms, learning correct techniques for each one.
Kids demonstrating exceptional rhythm, coordination and attention, may be individually selected to take part in our Performance Group as the lessons progress.

Capoeira Bamba Toronto, 1069 St. Clair Ave west 2nd floor, Toronto, Ontario M6E 1A6, Canada
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