Subject: SwordSearcher: Parker's Commentary; Custom Bible Search Ranges

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tutorial video: Using a Custom Bible Search Range
If you're doing a search with a lot of matching verses, it can be helpful to narrow your search down to specific portions of the Bible. This is actually quite simple to do in SwordSearcher with the Search Bible Dialog, along with setting other parameters of your search. Watch this video to see how you can limit your Bible search to any range of verses, collection of books, etc.
Joseph Parker (1830-1902) was an English Congregational minister known for his vigorous and extemporaneous preaching, which typically avoided spending time on academic issues such as textual criticism. His 27 volume commentary was published from 1886 through 1898 while he was the minister of City Temple in London. It is subtitled Discourses Upon Holy Scripture.

"Dr. Parker occupies a lonely place among the preachers of our day. His position among preachers is the same as that of a poet among ordinary men of letters." —Ian Maclaren (aka John Watson).

Read more about it here. (Includes the author's preface.)

(This commentary was added in SwordSearcher 8.4.)

And here's a quick tip -- if you don't see a library tab for something you're looking for, such as Parker in this case, just go on up to the main search bar and start typing in the name of the module you're trying to find and you will see any matching ones on the bottom of the menu that appears. You can learn more about how SwordSearcher works with books like this one by watching this tutorial video.

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-Brandon Staggs
Author and Owner
Brandon Staggs, PO Box 140478, Broken Arrow, OK 74014, United States
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