Subject: For this Thanksgiving ...

Happy Thanksgiving, Friend!

I am a born and raised Texan, and
regardless of the true history of
Thanksgiving, I celebrate it.


Because sometimes traditions are
created based on a current need or
desire to create something that lasts
generations. But the heart - the
underlying reason - is what matters.

What do I mean?

The idea behind holding the first
Thanksgiving celebration (cause it
wasn't the Pilgrims & Indians) was
more of to give thanks than to celebrate
the peaceful coming together of people
over a meal.

So I want to take a moment to tell
you this ...

Thank you.

I appreciate you.

I am thankful that you continue to
subscribe to my list, because that means
that I am providing value to you.

I am thankful that you are spending some
of your precious, valuable time reading this.

I am thankful that the universe brought us
together, in whatever capacity it might be,
because you may not know it now ...

But you have enriched my life, and I am
grateful to have you here.

So here is my challenge to you today:

Take time every day to think about the
blessings in your life and give thanks for
them. I've found that the people with a more
grateful heart tend to live happier and
more prosperous

So ... What are you thankful for?

Leave a comment on this Facebook post and
let me know - I would love to hear from you!


Yours in agape love,
Kassandra Keeton


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