Subject: Tonight Its All About YOU! Open Up...

Hi there friend!

TONIGHT at 9pm eastern (New York time)
we have our first Team Mastermind since
returning from the Orlando event!

Why do I say its all about you?

Because what was released in Orlando could
change the future for you and your family faster
than ever before!

You don't want to miss tonight's Team Mastermind
because we will be sharing the Game Plan to 
YOUR success
and how we are helping you
build a MASSIVE team underneath YOU!


Tonight, about 10 minutes before 9pm eastern,
simply go to

This will connect you to the webcast live and 
in person. 

We can't wait to see you there!

Remember, it doesn't matter if you're brand new
or if you've been around for a while...

...its time to get ENGAGED!

See you tonight!

Watch for reminders and send this to your team!

~ Kassandra
Success Formula, 19002 Dallas Pkwy Suite 232, Dallas, TX 75287, United States
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