Subject: REMINDER: How to Launch a New Product Successfully

Time is running out to sign up

Hi there

Hope this email finds you well.

I wanted to remind you about a free resource that I've found extremely useful to my business in the past — a “Launch Masterclass” containing 10+ hours of free training. Time is running out to sign up.

It’s all about launching your course, product or service (or even your full business if you’re just getting started), and it’s by Jeff Walker (one of the web's leading experts on online product launches).

Online launches are more important and relevant than ever, so if you're releasing a new product soon, or wish to generate more sales for an existing one, I'd really encourage you to check Jeff's training out.

The launch masterclass is designed to be applicable to any type of business, and some of the topics covered include:

- The core strategy behind every successful launch
- How to create an online business in weeks rather than years
- What to avoid in your marketing
- Why focusing on creating the perfect product can kill you

In addition to the free training, you'll also receive lots of supporting material, including PDFs, case studies and access to a dedicated Facebook group for business owners who want support with their launch.

There is a catch though — the entire training is going to be delivered LIVE, so this is a time-limited offer. Although recordings of the training will be temporarily available, you can only access them if you sign up now.

Yes, by offering the free training Jeff is essentially pitching a full course to you, but I've found that the free material he makes available provides a huge amount of value to business owners, and can actually be transformative in its own right.

The link for the Launch Masterclass is here.

One last thing: for full disclosure, we're an affiliate partner for this project, meaning that if you end up purchasing a full course from Jeff, we may receive a commission. However, we wouldn't recommend Jeff's free training unless we thought it offered genuine value to Style Factory subscribers.

As always, thank you for reading and hope you enjoy the masterclass.

Best wishes,

Chris Singleton
Founder, Style Factory