Subject: Latest resources — SEO and E-commerce tips inside


Essential resources for growing a business




I hope you're continuing to enjoy the Style Factory content I've sent you so far, and that it's helping you grow your online business!

In this newsletter I'd like to share a review we published recently, of GrowthBar* — a new keyword research and backlink building tool which aims to offer key SEO features at a much lower price point than its competitors. You can find out how successfully it meets this aim here.

I'm also pleased to share some articles from other sites which we've encountered recently that we feel could be really beneficial to your business. Just check out the links below.

Thanks as always for reading,

Chris Singleton
Founder, Style Factory


GrowthBar review

In this review we look at a brand new tool that aims to make keyword research and backlink building a LOT cheaper. Read the review here.

How to do international keyword research

Translating your pages and posts is a great way to maximize the SEO value of your content, but it's important to do it right. So this great piece on international keyword research from Invannovation is well worth a read.

4 quick e-commerce wins

In this post from ShipTheory you'll find 4 key ways to increase your online sales. If you're looking for some quick e-commerce wins, this article is for you.

How to edit images for a Squarespace site

Jodi Neufeld shares some tips on how to format images in the best way for a Squarespace site, and points you in the direction of some really useful image editing tools.

*Affiliate link. We may receive a commission if you purchase a subscription.