Subject: [FREE GUIDE] Starting and Growing an Online Business

Hey all, hope you're doing well.

If you have an online business or are thinking of starting one, we have a great free download for you this month, from Jeff Walker.

If you haven't heard of Jeff, he's arguably the web's leading expert on how to launch a business.

(I don't generally buy into the 'guru' thing, but I make an exception with Jeff — I've found his resources incredibly useful for growing my own business).

Jeff has been teaching business owners how to launch businesses for over 25 years, with his students making over $1bn USD in sales.

And now he’s cherry-picked some of his very best launch strategies and put them into a free 39-page download, the “Transformational Value Manifesto."

This is his latest collection of strategies and in it, he walks you through a proven, simple process for creating an offer you know your audience is going to love.

The only catch? The guide is only available for a few days, so you need to download it now.

Download the 'Transformational Value Manifesto' here.

(When you download the guide, you'll also get access to 10+ hours of free training from Jeff on how to build an online business).

Hope you enjoy the guide,

Warm wishes,