Subject: Battle of the Website Builders

Which platform comes out on top?

Dear all

Hope you're doing well.

In this 'Battle of the Website Builders' newsletter, I'd like to share a few of our key website builder comparisons and reviews.

First off I have a brand new comparison to share: Squarespace vs Webflow. These two website builders are renowned for their beautiful templates and slick animations...but how do they fare when it comes to things like ecommerce and SEO? Find out here.

Next up, there's our recently updated Wix vs Shopify comparison — two massively popular platforms for creating an online store, but which comes out on top as the ecommerce king? Get our take here.

And what about the ever popular WordPress? Well, you can find out how it compares with some of the leading alternatives below:

Wix vs WordPress
Shopify vs WordPress
Squarespace vs WordPress

And finally, don't forget that you can watch video comparisons of lots more website builders over on our YouTube channel — just subscribe here.

Thanks as ever for reading,
Chris Singleton
Founder, Style Factory