Webinar topic decision and another good news!

December 16th, 2013 at 6:21 am EEST

Thank you for all the emails. A lot of people
wrote back and shared their choice about the
upcoming webinar.

Are you ready to learn which topic was the winner?:)

This was very surprising to me. To be honest, I didn't
expect this result, but the winner is...

NLP and Hypnosis!

33% of people chose NLP and Hypnosis for the
upcoming webinar topic.

Sooo, when will this webinar happen and what are
my plans for it?

Actually, my plan is a bit different and I am sure
you'll like it;)

Here is my plan...

1) Since you like to learn this topic and I am a huge
fan of providing you the BEST info on any topic, I
decided to organize this webinar with a MASTER in
this area.

The guest I'll be bringing to you lives in UK, is a very
successful coach, NLP trainer, knows a lot about hypnosis
and best of all is a successful PWS!

He agreed to attend our live webinar and teach you
about what he is a master in... NLP and hypnosis.

I'm very excited about this, because I'm bringing you
one of the best when it comes to NLP and hypnosis. 

One bad news about this is that he's in vacation now and
will be back in January. So, this webinar will be held in
early January.

...which brings me to my other plan and another good news.

2) Since I promised you I'll arrange a webinar before 2014,
I want to keep my promise, therefore I decided to do a
webinar on the 2nd most popular topic you chose!

23% of people chose this topic, and that is...

Inner game of stuttering (the right mindset to overcome stuttering).

So, since my word and what you asked is very important to me
I decided to organize and do this webinar before 2014.

I'm planning this webinar for this upcoming Thursday.

You don't have to sign up for this since you're on my special
email list and I'll be sending you your webinar access details
through email.

So, keep an eye on your mailbox and see you in these
special webinars very soon;)

Here are the webinars:

Subject: Inner game of stuttering (the right mindset to overcome stuttering)
Presenter: Chazzler DiCyprian
Date: December 19 2013
Time: Will be announced

Webinar -2
Subject: NLP and Hypnosis
Host: Chazzler DiCyprian
Presenter: Our surprise special guest!
Date & Time: Will be announced

We sure are going to have a great start to 2014!

Take care and I'll see you soon.

All the best,


P.S: I'll try to pick a time which suits most people
since there are people all around the world on this
special email list.
