Webinar Replay Ready! (open to access and watch it)

June 17th, 2013 at 7:50 am EEST

We made our first webinar on Sunday and
a lot of people attended it live.

Even though there was a technical issue
with the video - so it ended up being more
like a teleseminar:) - it still turned out to
be a great session which I got GREAT
feedback about.

Stuttering and Stammering Q&A Webinar - Ask Me Anything!

I thought some of you might have missed it
due to time differences between countries, so
I decided to share the replay of the webinar
in case you missed it (or like to go over it again).

You can click here and access to the replay of the
webinar we did on Sunday.

I can't keep it there for too long, so go ahead and
watch..ehhm "listen" it now:)

Enjoy and let me know what you think about it...

Wishing you the best,


P.S: More webinars are on the way. This time
with no video issues:) For now, you can access the
first webinar by clicking here.