Stuttering and Total Confidence! (big dilemma)

December 15th, 2020 at 3:14 pm EEST
I have a question for you Friend, 

What if you have total confidence when it comes to your speech

I mean, what if you just KNEW that when you open your mouth to speak, there is no chance for you to block?

Like you have no doubts or worries for it at all, because deep down you  just KNOW that you will NOT block no matter what?!

Would you stutter in that case?

I think you wouldn't. In fact none of us would.

Because what triggers our stuttering behavior is our thoughts, beliefs and emotions around our speech. 

We form them even before we open our mouth to start speaking! 

Think about it...

You're going to order a diet coke in a restaurant - but even before saying it you have doubts whether you'll block on the letter D or not? 
(Because your past experiences tell you that you usually block on that word)


You are in a meeting room and you need to introduce yourself to others in the room - but even before it's your turn to speak, you worry whether you'll block on your name or not and make a fool yourself in front of others? 
(Because your past experiences tell you that you usually stutter in those types of situations)

BUT... what if you have total confidence in your ability to say any word in any situation without any blocks?

You have no doubts you CAN do it. 

You just KNOW you'll be able to manage it successfully every-single-time.

You probably won't block in that case, right?

Ask 100 people who stutter and 99.99% of them will tell you this; 

If they have an accident, hit their head hard and forget their past (including their stuttering) they won't stutter.

Why is that?

Because our stuttering behavior is triggered by our thoughts, beliefs and emotions. 

We BLOCK in our mind even before we block physically on the feared word.

That's why almost all stutterers do NOT block when they speak to an animal, to a wall or to a 3 months old baby. 


So what's the dilemma here?

I'll tell you what that is now...

Total confidence in our speech = No blocks

But HOW the hell are we going to have total confidence when we have lots of negative past experiences around our speech?!

Not possible, right? 

Yes it is not possible UNLESS

...we overwrite those negative past experiences with brand new positive ones!

Then the frustrating question is:

How are we going to have positive experiences when we block over and over again every single day?

That's the million dollar question. 

...and here is my answer to it.

What if; 

You have those magic tools in your toolbox - 
You can pick one
and use it with confidence knowing you won't block

And every time you use it in real life, you don't block.

What happens then? 

Your belief starts to change! 


Because, now you know you can use one of those tools and be able to order a diet coke 

or introduce yourself in a meeting without any worries or doubts!


Let's be honest here...

How would that affect your speech and your life?

I bet your (and any stutterer's) life would be a lot different, wouldn't it?

And that's exactly why I created those 30+ speaking tools, techniques and strategies for you

I also created a video for you explaining what those powerful speech confidence boosting tools are all about!

All you need to do is:

...which will bring you more fluency as a by-product

Don't wait even a single second more to learn about this stuff. 

Just click here and I'll see you in the video in 2 seconds:)

All the best,


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