Stuttering and Presentations! (ready to learn?)

September 8th, 2020 at 4:15 pm EEST
Are you ready to learn how to give smooth presentations with ease and confidence?

...even if you have a frustrating stuttering challenge!

If so, keep reading because this message is for YOU! 


Presentations were my nightmares. 

They made me feel like a loser. I felt like a failure - before, during and after my presentations.

I used to feel tense. I couldn't sleep the nights before my presentations. 

Whether in school or at work - presentations scared the hell out of me. 

I was so worried:

- What if I stutter heavily, stumble on blocks and get stuck in the middle of my presentation? (and people keep staring at me)

- What if I forget what to say?

- What will people think about me and my speech?

- Will they like my presentation? 

- Will they talk behind my back? Will they make fun of my speech?

I used to feel exhausted during a presentation. It’s like I was in trans. All I wanted was to finish the damn presentation without feeling like a loser.


Anyways, long story short; 

I went through all that painful times until I discovered how someone with a stuttering challenge in life (like you and me) can give presentations without going through all that mess.

...And everything has changed for me ever since. 

That’s actually why I'm holding a 2 day online workshop called "Presentation Secrets for Stutterers".

If you like to learn how to give smooth, calm and confident presentations&speeches in any situation 

...this online workshop is for you!

By following the 3-step simple model I'll teach you, you can deliver smooth, clear, calm and effective presentations with ease and confidence.

…even if you have a frustrating stuttering challenge that worries and scares you even more when it comes to giving presentations!


So let me cover some of the details about this special online workshop so you can make a clear and informed decision:


1) The program will take place on the internet (on Zoom) so you can attend from anywhere in the world with your computer, tablet or phone.

2) I'll deliver the workshop live. So I'll be teaching you the whole program live and you'll be able to ask me any questions you like if you choose to.

3) If you miss any of our live sessions, you'll still be able to access the recordings of all those calls and watch them whenever you want.


It'll take place on 18th&19th of September (6 hours in total). You can attend live (on Zoom) and/or watch the recording of the event videos anytime you like after the workshop


PART 1: MINDSET - How to get mentally ready even days before your presentation?

This part is all about your mind. it’s about your thoughts, your beliefs and what you focus on before your presentation.
  • You’ll learn how to shift your focus without being a hostage of your negative thoughts.

  • You’ll discover my “perspective is everything” exercise so you’ll easily be able to keep your beliefs strong... and let them serve you instead of smash you.

  • We’ll change some of your core beliefs around your stuttering so you can prepare yourself to a smooth, calm and successful presentation. 
If you don't manage your mind the right way before the presentation, it'll make you stressed and scared... and nothing will work during your presentation. 

However, if you learn what I'll show you in this part of the workshop and start applying them, it'll make you feel calm and confident. 

PART 2: PRESENTATION - How to craft a presentation your audience will love... and how to deliver it with ease, impact and confidence. 

This part is all about how you structure your presentation so it’ll be easy to deliver… plus gets people to understand your message clearly and be inspired with it!
If you skip this step and you don’t structure your presentation effectively, you’ll feel lost and confused during your presentation... and you'll probably mess things up.

On the other hand, once you learn how to do this right, your presentation will be simple and clear. Your message will stick with people... and it’ll just be a great presentation they won’t forget. 

In this part;

  • I’ll show you how to craft your presentation so you won’t stress over missing important points... and be able to give a confident presentation with a strong message that your audience won’t forget.

  • You’ll learn how to keep your presentation simple but strong just by focusing on 4 core elements of a smooth and powerful presentation. 

  • Once you follow these 4 core elements to easily craft your presentation fast, you'll be able to deliver any presentation with ease, impact and confidence.

PART 3: SPEECH - How to apply secret presentation skills (which I designed specifically for stutterers) during your presentation... and what to do when you lose control and start getting blocks in the middle of your presentations?

This last but not least step in our model is all about your SPEECH.meaning how you actually speak when delivering your presentation!

This is all about magic presentation skills and lifesaver strategies for stutterers.

If you don’t know these skills and strategies, your speech will get out of control and make you feel ashamed

However, if you apply what you'll learn in this part of the workshop, your speech will be smooth and relaxed…and will most probably get claps at the end.

Here are some things you'll learn during part 3 of the workshop:

  • You’ll discover the most effective presentation skills specifically for people who have a stuttering challenge in life. I’ll show you how you can use humor, story, metaphors, examples and a lot more in your presentations in a way that will lower your stuttering and increase the impact of your presentation. 

  • I’ll explain you how you can use these powerful presentation skills during your presentations so you can say what you want to say the way you want to say it with clarity and confidence.

  • What to do when you lose control and start getting blocks in the middle of your presentations? And how to successfully manage those moments without stress and panic!

  • You’ll not only be able to give a great presentation speech wise but also as an overall presentation you’ll do much better than most of the so called “fluent speakers” out there.

  • The most painful and scary moments are when you lose control and start blocking in the middle of your presentation. That’s why I’ll share with you what to do in those moments… so you can manage those challenges easily and keep presenting smoothly with confidence. 

  • You’ll discover ways and strategies to start your presentation strongly with no blocks or hesitations. If it starts well, it goes well. 

  • You’ll learn how to dominate the stage even when you mention your stuttering. 

  • You’ll discover my own ways which I still use today when it comes to managing speech blocks even BEFORE they hit you in the middle of your presentation. 

  • Do you feel like your breathing is not flowing smoothly? Do you feel stressed, overwhelmed, tired, confused, out of control during your presentations? You’ll learn how to manage all that even if you are having a bad speech day!


The price of the program is going to be at least $149 (considering everything you'll learn, it'll totally worth the price).

But for the first group of people, I wanted to offer a very special price... a no brainer price so anyone with the desire of learning presentation secrets for stutterers can join without money concerns.

And I decided to offer it to you for ONLY $49.

I know what you are thinking... "$49 for a multiple day live online workshop? Are you crazy Chazzler?"

Yes, may be I am:) But I just want you to be a part of this program without any money concerns. So yes, the investment is really just $49.


But please know that this special price is good for a limited time only - you need to register and join until the workshop starts on the 18th of September.

The price will increase after the first workshop.


If you want to take advantage of this crazy special price, then just click here and make your payment before it's too late

You can pay either with Paypal or credit card.

Once you pay, you'll be added into a special email list where we'll keep in touch and I'll share with you everything you need to know about the program (exact dates, access details, zoom links, etc.).


This is about it.

I tried to give you as much information as I can so you can make an informed and smart decision.

If you have any questions that I didn't address here, feel free to let me know... so we can jump on a quick call and make sure all your questions get answered! 

To be honest, I don't want you to have any questions in mind before making your decision...even if it's obviously a very easy decision to make :)


Hope to see you in the "Presentation Secrets for Stutterers" online workshop 

...which I believe is the only program in the world that addresses presentation skills specifically for stutterers.

To your success,


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