My ex-girlfriend, my speech and what I learned in life!

February 20th, 2015 at 7:32 am EEST

She was the love of my life. But she
dumped me after 2 years!

I don't know if it was because of my
speech and my stuttering. I don't know
if I wasn't attractive enough for her. I
don't know if I made her look "uncool"
in front of her friends because of my speech.

I just don't know what the hell was going on.

But, there was one obvious fact...

She was with another guy the next day
we broke up.

I saw them in school holding hands...

I was waiting for the bus. My eyes caught a
happy couple. They were laughing. They
looked like they were having great time.

She was my ex-girlfriend... and the guy was
my team mate.

I wanted to DIE... well, not really:)

But I have to be honest. It was one of the WORST
FEELINGS I experienced in my life.

...and I'm saying this as a PWS. You know how
many bad feelings we go through in a regular day
just because of our stuttering. We just get used to this
"feeling bad" stuff.

Just multiply that with 100 and that's how bad I felt.

It was BAD. I didn't want to go back to school
for the next few days...weeks...months...ok ok years:)

I might be taking this lightly now, but it was

I left home every single day to go to
school (that's what happens if you have parents like
CIA agents) but didn't go for a week.

There was a library behind our school. I spent my
days there. I was reading books about "how to smash
your ex and her new boyfriend in the face"...LOL

I am not sure if I was actually living in that week.
Bad feelings all over. I didn't want to face with my
stuttering so I didn't speak more than a few sentences
in that whole week.

That helped my reading though:)

I read around 3 books a day. I was 16 years old and
that was more than the number of books I had read
in my life till the age of 16:)

Most of those books didn't help though.

All they said was "just go talk and meet other girls". 

I think they were missing the point...

I wasn't James Bond. In fact, I was a young guy who
couldn't even speak without blocking and stuttering.
Sometimes severely!

One day my little sister knocked on my door
at our house. And here is the conversation between
me and her(I'll tell you why this is very important when
it comes to your speech and your stuttering).

My Sister: Can I come in?

Chazzler: Whatever.

She walked in and sit at the edge of my bed and continued...

My Sister: Wow, you look so happy.

Chazzler: I know. I'm dating Pamela Anderson. That's why.

My Sister: Arrrghhh. She is fake and ugly. Was that the best
you could do?

Chazzler: At least she is fake on the outside, not inside!

Knowing what was going on(everybody was talking about
me in school, so she knew) she kept going...

My Sister: She... your ex... wasn't for you.

Chazzler: It's not her, it's me. And most probably
my speech.
(My sister was the only person I could talk
about my stuttering openly).

My Sister: I think you should start going out and
meeting new people. You should keep on with your
life. You should start to "live" again. 

Chazzler: HOW? I am not successful with girls. I'm
a stutterer. Besides, I don't know how to attract them.
For some reason I am the nice guy, who is their "nice
friend". They pity me because of my stuttering. None
of them take me seriously. I want to be a MAN, not a
week kid on the block.

My Sister: Then learn how to become one! Get help.
Do whatever it takes. If you are not getting results,
then that means you are doing something wrong and
it needs to be!

(I admit. Smart move. It hit me on the head. But I kept
being closed to everything.)

Chazzler: I tried everything which is written in the
books and all. None of them worked.

At that moment, she said something PROFOUND without
realizing it!

My Sister: I don't know what this means because
you know I am a little kid, but I read this somewhere
yesterday. It said "Success is not an on/off switch,
it is a process".

Man, what that little girl said made a HUGE DIFFERENCE
in my life!

Later, in all areas of my life, this became one of my
success and life philosophies.


For example you can't be successful with women just
by learning pick up lines or what to say to get the
phone numbers.

So, what does this have to do with you and your speech?


If you want to be successful with your speech(just like
any success in any area of life) you need to approach
it from a "process" angle.

You have to think your speech success as a process
which you need to follow.

Solution is not a "thing", it is a process!

Most people ask me:

"Tell me a technique which will make me fluent when
I start using it".

I'm sorry but that is not what overcoming stuttering
is about. You need to approach this from a process
point of view and from different angles.

Like a jigsaw!

Yes, speaking techniques is a part of it. Yes, mindset
is a part of it too. But, you need to see this big picture.
You need to understand how success works when
it comes to your speech and stuttering.

If you're interested to learn more about it, here is a
video I created for you which explains the process
of "stuttering success" in 5 easy steps

It's about how to reach success in your speech without
wasting a lot of time, energy, money and worst of all
your hopes.

You can watch the video by clicking here.

I know you'll like it.

Watch it now that it's available and let me know
what you think. I also have a nice surprise for you
at the end of the video.

Wishing you all the best,

Your friend,


P.S: Success is a process and you need to put the pieces
together in order to achieve it. It's same for stuttering too.
And here is the success process for stuttering. I explained
it in this video
. Enjoy it and let me know what you think.
