How to WIN the mysterious game of STUTTERING?

January 25th, 2020 at 5:36 pm EEST
Friend - if you want to overcome stuttering;

...then you need to understand and play the mysterious game of stuttering in a "smart" way.


First of all, lets face the reality.

I know, it'll hurt a bit, but lets just keep it strong and face the reality just a little bit.

  • You can't speak fluently. You either get blocks or repetitions when you try to speak in some situations.
  • You want to express yourself and your thoughts (because you got valuable ideas and insights) but you just can't express yourself freely because of your "not so smooth" speech. 
  • Saying some words are more difficult than saying others. For some, it is the words that start with a plosive sound (such as p, b, d, k, t, etc.) and for others it might be sounds starting with s, m, w, etc.
  • The situation you say the word is also very important. For example, you can say your name with no trouble in one situation but stutter severely on the same name in another situation. I used to say my name easily when I say it to my dog or in front of the mirror for example, but block severely when I introduce myself in a class or meeting room.
  • Giving a speech, making a presentation in front of others, speaking on the phone, meeting with new people, ordering at a restaurant, sharing thoughts in your social circle, answering questions that has a specific answer, asking the girl you like to go out with you, talking to your boss 

...or any other situation that puts you under pressure, messes up your speech and you start to PHYSICALLY struggle with your speech.      


But you know what's even worse?

The way those physical speech struggle MAKES YOU FEEL!

I know it a bit too well, because I was just like you FOR YEARS. 

  • I felt the shame (why can't I do something so simple that all other people can do without thinking about it)
  • I felt the frustration (why doesn't my speech flow smoothly - and why the hell I can speak well in one situation and block severely on another)
  • I felt less than other people. I felt not as worth or as good as others. I was MISSING this critical aspect of life called COMMUNICATION.
  • I felt like people felt sorry for me (they must be thinking "oh poor guy" every time I had hard time speaking)

  • I felt not liked (let alone looking cool or dating beautiful girls, who would like to even be around a person like me?!)
  • I felt not respected (how could I expect them to respect me when I can't even say 3 words without blocking and stuttering?)

...I felt ALL of those emotions and much more just because of my damn stuttering!

It was painful. 

I really mean it. 

And that's why I really care about people who are going through what I had gone through for years.

That's why I created Stuttering Dissolution Multimedia Program. You can learn more about it by clicking here if you are interested. 


But feeling sorry for ourselves is not a solution to our problem, Friend

So what's the solution?

It starts with understanding the core cause of stuttering!

I believe the core cause has 2 components:

  1. Uncertainty - uncertainty of being able to speak smoothly and fluently (we just don't know for sure if we'll be blocking or not)

  2. Fear - fear of the negative emotions you might be experiencing as a result of being judged by others due to your speech (this is all the worries we got around "what if I stutter...?")

To solve this problem that affects all our life, we need to address those 2 components in the right way

So, to dissolve uncertainty;

-> You need to be confident that you can speak the way you want to speak in any situation... no matter what word you are saying or who you talking to!

I call this the OUTER GAME of stuttering.

And to dissolve fear;

-> You need to realize that stuttering is NOT who you are, it's what you do! Therefore, stuttering does not define your IDENTITY. It's a part of you, but it is not WHO you are as a whole person!

I call this the INNER GAME of stuttering.


And that's what I call the mysterious game of stuttering

Once you understand it (and do what needs to be done), you can overcome your stuttering challenge

...and speak the way you want to speak in any situation... even if you're trying to say the most difficult word or you are speaking in the scariest situation in life.


I believe anyone can do this if they understand and play the game of stuttering in the right (and smart) way! 

And there is not even one single reason why you should not be one of those success stories - who played the game like a star. 

It's just a matter of answering this one question:

How bad do you want this to happen in your life?

And that's the only question that I can't answer for you! 

Everything else is in the Stuttering Dissolution Multimedia Program I created for you. 

I shared EVERYTHING you need to succeed - all is in that program.

But you need to answer the above question first, Friend.

How bad do you want this to happen?

If you are interested to learn more about the game of stuttering - and how to WIN it - then; 

All the best.


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