Decision about the live training session and your choice!

April 1st, 2013 at 4:59 pm EEST

Hi everybody,

I sent you an email a while ago
regarding to a LIVE TRAINING I
was planning to do which you could
attend with no cost since you are a valued
subscriber of my list.

You can read the blog post about it
by clicking here.

Even though there was an interest
about it, not enough people has "actively"
shown interest in this past 2-3 weeks.

Therefore, it seems like we now have 2 options:

1) You can go to this blog post and
show your interest "actively" by commenting
below the blog post.

2) We can postpone the live training to a
future date. But of course, I'll answer the
questions of those people who showed
interest by saying so and also by sharing
what they want to learn in the training session. I'll
answer those questions through a video series
I'll be creating.

Some of those questions were about:

*Fear of speaking
*Skills in real life situations
*Speaking to intimidating people
*Speaking in 2nd language
*Controlling unproductive thoughts
*Specific techniques to deal with unplesant blocks
*Presentations/speaking to a group
*Stuttering which fluctuates depending on our mood
*Relaxation techniques
*How to control panic and stress
*How to handle interviews with confidence

Now, as I said the choice is yours. You can choose
either Option 1 or Option 2.

...and depending on your feedback, I'll either organize the
live training or answer those questions through a video series
which I'll be creating.

The choice is yours.

To your success,


Not: the blog post which explains the live training idea is on this page,
you can read it by clicking here.