And the WINNER is... :)

March 14th, 2020 at 3:29 pm EEST
Are you ready Friend?

I asked you what topic you wanted me to create a training video on! (and promise I'll give you access to it for free!)

I gave you 3 topics.

And you all sent me your choice of topic (thank you for your input by the way).

The result? 

It was a close game. In fact it was a tie in the first round :)

But after the final votes we now have a WINNER!

And the winner is;



As I promised, I'll create a training video on "Presentation Skills For Stutterers" 

...and share it with you. 

But I want this video to be REALLY HELPFUL for you!

In fact I want it to be BETTER THAN a PAID "Presentation Skills" training! 

So here is what I need from you:

Just answer 3 simple questions for me...

1) What do you want to learn in this video? What should I cover in it?

2) What are your biggest challenges when it comes to giving a presentation - as a person who stutters?

3) How do you define a "successful presentation" for yourself? What is your dream scenario? What needs to happen so you feel GREAT during the presentation?

Just answer those 3 simple questions for me I can create a video that addresses EVERYTHING you need, want and mention. 

I want this to be a training video you'll LOVE...

All you have to do is...

Just spend 5 minutes of your time, reply to my email and answer the above 3 questions for me.

That's all I want from you!

The rest is on me ;)


I'm waiting for your email, Friend!

Speak soon,


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