Subject: Hold the highest possible vision of yourself...

My dear, dear friend,

I wanted to share a very powerful message for you today.

Never underestimate the power of your thoughts, what you think about yourself you become. Therefore only hold the highest possible vision of yourself.

The belief you hold about yourself shapes your experience.

If you think of yourself as a inferior person, an unworthy person, because you had some experiences in the past of which you think confirmed that belief that you are unworthy, inferior; your mind will look for circumstances to confirm that belief.

Let's say, someone gives you a bad comment, tells you that you're not good at your job. When you think that you're unworthy, your mind will blow up that comment from someone to confirm your unworthiness. 

When however, you are full of self-confidence, knowing at a profound level that you're a lovable and worthy person, you will take a bad comment much lighter and let it go easily, knowing that which someone else tells about you is only a reflection of them and not of you.

So always hold the highest possible vision of yourself, know that you are loved, worthy and enough for being born. That realization will make you so much more powerful and you'll no longer be controlled by what other people say.

This is what I am talking about in my weekly message on Fb, you can watch here.

Thanking you always for your presence in my life, you reside in my heart <3

Sending love and positive vibes,

Barbara Vercruysse Empowerment & Kindness Institute, Stijn Streuvelslaan 4, 8580, Avelgem, Belgium
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