Subject: Are we born good or bad?

Nature or Nurture.

Are we born good or bad? Or do our environment and our circumstances make us so?

For so long I have asked myself that same question, always convinced about the goodness in every person even if it was only a grain.

More and more I have come to understand that the question is not: Am I good or bad? But: What choice do I make in each moment?

A love-based choice or a fear-based choice?

A courageous choice listening to the deepest truth of my Soul even if it goes against what is prescribed by society or an easy choice based on what is accepted commonly?

When I see a beggar in the street do I see an opportunity to express Love or do I prefer to turn my head and tell myself he must be a crook?

What do I choose? Every moment, every situation, every experience invites us to express our Highest Self.

Do I succeed every day in this? 

No, many times I don’t, many times I am unconscious of my words and actions. But I set the intention every day to choose Love in every thought, word and action. Knowing that each encounter with another human being is a Holy encounter and an invitation to share love, compassion and kindness.

A few days ago a very simple gesture of kindness filled my heart with joy. An Indian young man wanted to cross the street and I stopped my car to let him cross the street. He gave me such a genuine, beautiful smile that my heart was deeply touched. After crossing the street he stopped, looked back and waved. It was a Holy moment for sure.

We have the choice to choose Love at any moment...

Much love,

Barbara Vercruysse Empowerment & Kindness Institute, Stijn Streuvelslaan 4, 8580, Avelgem, Belgium
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