Subject: What Adam** said!

Hello Friend,

One of my favourite quotes is “Time and chance happen to all”. Sounds very simple but when you sit down to think about it, the meaning is deep. Here is what I mean, has this happened to you; someone presents an exciting opportunity, it looks so good and you seriously consider it, but two big enemies: Excuses and Procrastination set in and you push it off? Fast forward to a year or more later, that same opportunity comes your way and it costs you more or is difficult to get. Needless to say, I have experience the same and I hope it doesn’t happen to you in your quest to start your blog.

Something happened to my friend, we would call him Adam, he heard about the eBook Start A Blog and he got it. This is the message he sent to me after reading the eBook:

“Good day Linda. I bought the eBook on Blogging a few weeks ago from you. I discovered I owned a blog years ago and it has been dormant. Linda reading through the eBook has given me the tools I need to start blogging again.”

On Monday, July 11, 2016 at 12 midnight, in 24 hours, our promotion would end, and if still you want to get Start a Blog, you would have to invest more, it would cost you $30.

Start A Blog Today.

Don’t miss this opportunity, act now.

Start A Blog Today.


Linda Etuokwu
The New Wave Entrepreneur
181 Panat Pl NW, T3K 6C4, Calg, Canada
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