Subject: Joining instructions - CPG on Care Leavers, Thu 27 Oct

Cross-Party Group on Care Leavers -
Joining Instructions
Thursday 27 October, 6pm

Hi Friend

The Cross Party Group on Care Leavers will be meeting online on Thursday 27th October at 6pm.

Joining instructions are as follows

Topic: Cross Party Group on Care Leavers

Time: Oct 27, 2022 06:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting pwd=RFNobGdmaVhsL0QrVmtVT0RMUFQ1Zz09

Meeting ID: 886 6805 8800

Passcode: 299194

As a result of setting of our work plan at the previous CPG meeting, the theme of the meeting will be securing the financial well-being of care leavers.

We will be hearing from Chris Marshall from Staf's Care Leavers' Forum, Martin Canavan from Aberlour and Dr Matt Smith from Strathclyde University alongside discussing what actions we want MSPs and others to take forward.

We're looking forward to seeing you there.

If any of your friends or colleagues would like to be added as a member of the CPG please ask them to contact

Best wishes,
