Subject: Celebrating care experience

Staf October newsletter: The latest news, updates and participation options for care experienced people and the workforce.

Dear Friend

Hello and welcome to our latest newsletter and a special shout out to those who have recently subscribed, thank you for your interest.  
As many of you will know, October is a very busy month for those in the care community as it culminates with one of my most favourite times of the year (no, not Halloween although I do like treats), care experienced week where there is a national focus on celebrating care experienced people. Following a few years of pandemic and post pandemic uncertainty, 2023’s care experienced week has proved to be one of the biggest and best yet. 
It was great to see many important and brilliantly organised events and messaging from across our membership, all aimed at celebrating care experience. Here at Staf I was incredibly proud to see the Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs which were organised by Project Return’s Cheryle, and actively supported by Annie and our team, go so well. Well done Cheryle and thank you to all the brilliant organisations who highlighted their work with us and those who attended. 
Last week we also launched the 100 Days of Listening which we are working on in conjunction with Promise Scotland. Until the end of January 2024, we are looking to hear from as many ‘Moving On’ experts as possible, be that people with care experience or members of the workforce, or indeed both. You can find out more about how to take part, including completing an online survey, at our Moving On section of the website. Thank you to the care experienced people who were able to take part in our first official listening session. It was great to hear how meaningful this was and how they felt supported to share their Moving On wants/asks. Check out Jasmin’s video which neatly sums up the day. 
This group, plus a few additional care experienced young adults were then invited back to the Staf participation space to meet with the First Minister Humza Yousaf. We were delighted to welcome him to meet the team and the care experienced people and to share the discussions from the 100 Days of Listening but also to help launch the Scottish Government’s consultation on a Care Leaver Payment which opens on the 3rd November. You can read more about the First Minister's visit and the payment here.  
Our care experienced week celebrations came to a joyous end on Sunday as we joined many more care experienced people and their supporters at the Who Cares? Scotland Love Rally. Despite the soggy start, it was a wonderful event full of love, hope and ambition. The speakers were phenomenal, and we are looking forward to hearing more from Beth-Anne Logan at our upcoming Conference. 

Speaking of which, I’m pleased to note that the National Conference is now sold out. Thank you to those who have booked and to those who haven’t been able to join us, keen an eye out on our socials and website for live stream updates on the day and resources following the event.  
As you may know, Staf is the lead partner for the National Leadership Network. One of the many exciting projects they are working on is looking at active travel and the experiences of individuals with experience of care when it comes to travel and any barriers they face. Barry and Toni have recently joined the team here to lead on this work and are asking to hear about any existing research done in this area. If you know of anything in your neck of the woods, please drop Barry a line at  
Alongside welcoming Barry and Toni to the team, we have also welcome two new care experienced Board members; Josh and Christine. We are loving their enthusiasm and dedication and are so excited to have them literally on board!  
Youth Just Us, our central belt steering group for care and justice experienced young people is always looking for new members and for those with an interest in virtual reality we would encourage them along to their Nae Danger VR event in association with No Knives, Better Lives on Monday 20th November. Email for more info. 
One of our last events of the year is our Staf Info Session which is a fantastic way to hear about all the different projects we are working on and how to get involved. Join the team for a whistle-stop tour on Wednesday 6th December by signing up for free here. 
Looking ahead to 2024, we will be shortly sharing dates for our focus groups and forums alongside plans for our Summit and the Participation Network gathering. We are also delighted to confirm that the next Cross-Party Group on Care Leavers is taking place on Wednesday 21st February and following the success of our last meeting, it will also take place at the Scottish Parliament with an option to join remotely. Find out more about the meeting and how to sign up here.  
Care experienced week is but one week of the year and I know that myself and the team here at Staf, and our members, will continue to champion voice; facilitate change; and make sure we listen, we care, and we love, each and every day. 
 All the best 

Jo Derrick
Staf CEO

Staf Projects

Youth Justice Voices & Inside Out - Care and Justice Experienced Steering Groups

Youth Justice Voices is a Scotland-wide participation project, jointly run by Staf and CYCJ  and funded by The National Lottery Community Fund which seeks to amplify the voices of care and justice experienced young people (aged 16-25) to influence national change.

This month Ruth and Staf's Moving On Strategic Lead, Thomas Carlton presented to Barnardo's Rights Representatives about the work of Staf, participation, the Promise and care leavers rights and entitlements.

Youth Just Us Nae Danger Virtual Reality Event
In collaboration with No Knives Better Lives, we are hosting a free Nae Danger virtual reality event on Mon 20 Nov 6pm - 7.30pm. Email to sign up

Youth Just Us wants you!
We're looking for new members to join Youth Just Us, our steering group for care and justice experienced people aged 16 - 25 who are based in the central belt. Travel expenses will be covered and food provided. Download the flyer or email

You can keep up to date with the work of Youth Justice Voices and Inside Out via our Twitter account @YJVScotland 

The Real Toolkit

This month's featured guide is for the workforce Why housing and relationships cannot be separated which reflects on the importance of relationships for young people when accessing housing.

You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram to keep up with our progress.

National Leadership Network (NLN) which Staf are lead hosts of alongside our partners at CYCJ, Columba 1400, Resilience Learning Partnership and Who Cares? Scotland.

Steering Group & Consultants

The Steering Group have continued to review host applications for funding. Information on the outcomes of these applications will be shared as soon as we possibly can. The consultants continue to work on various pieces of work. If you would like any more information on this, please get in touch.

NLN’s Active Travel Project 

Barry and Toni have recently completed their induction and have started to identify their initial tasks for the coming months including the creation of a research bank and database. Barry has also been working on the development of a briefing document that explains the aims of the project in a short, sharp, and engaging way so keep an eye out for this coming soon.

NLN website

One of the consultants is taking a leading role with the social media launch for this. We are keen to share information on this when the time is right.

Language project

The National Leadership Network recently took part in a residential weekend in partnership with ‘Our Hearings Our Voice’ and hosted by ‘Each and Every Child’ (EAEC). The residential, held in Stirling brought together individuals from various organisations across Scotland with the aim of exploring language used within the care community, its impact and what changes young people would like to make to ensure the language used by professionals is more inclusive, supportive, and appropriate. The team from EAEC are currently collating all the points raised at the weekend which they plan to share with policy and decision makers at a further event in Stirling on December 5th.

Participation focused work

Over the last year or so the NLN and CELCIS have worked in partnership on a couple of pieces of work with a participation focus. Sarah (CELCIS) and Barry and Gary (NLN) worked with CELCIS comms staff to write a blog on what they have done. This can be found here


Participation Network

NLN staff are now working with Staf to support the development of the Participation Network who are leading the development of this project. The Steering Group met up this month to clarify the aims and objectives of the Network and start considering themes to focus on.


The NLN has been delighted to link a few of our partners and allies with our friends at Tek Care. This Life Changes Trust legacy project has been speaking to staff from projects and organisations about the complexities of digital inclusion in the care experience community. NLN staff attended a Tek Care co-production session this month led by Mhor Collective discussing a variety of digital related topics such as staff learning needs/styles, promotion of opportunities, relationships and so much more.


As always this is a bit of snapshot of some of the things #teamNLN are working on. If you would like more information on anything mentioned here, please contact 

Staf Events

Implications of Continuing Care Focus Group
Tue 7 Nov

Care Leavers into Employment, Education & Training
Tue 14 Nov

Local Authority Manager's Forum
Wed 29 Nov

Participation Practitioner's Forum
Thu 30 Nov

Staf Information Session
Wed 6 Dec

Supported Lodgings, Supported Carers Focus Group
Tue 12 Dec

The Participation Network

We are delighted to be the new hosts of The Participation Network, taking over from 5 years of #partycipation facilitated by our friends at CELCIS. The Network is open to anyone involved in helping others share voice and influence change. If you'd like to find out more and sign up to the network click on the link below.

The steering group are in the process of organising the next Network meeting in February 2024. Sign up to our mailing list to be kept up to date with events and news from the network.

Cross Party Group on Care Leavers
Staf is secretariat to the Cross Party Group on Care Leavers, chaired by MSP Paul O'Kane. Join us to discuss issues raised by care leavers from housing, to mental health, education and finance.

Next meeting: Wed 21 Feb, 6pm, Scottish Parliament/MS Teams
Topic: What care experienced students need to success during and after further and higher education.
How to join? Sign up here or email

Policy and Practice Updates 

100 Days of Listening
Last week we were delighted to launch the 100 Days of Listening whereby moving on experts are encouraged to share their views on what they want to see and need to ensure young people can be supported from care into adulthood. We are looking to hear from as many people as possible between now and the end of January.

Care Leaver Payment
At the Staf participation space last week, the First Minister announced the consultation on a £2000 care leaver payment. The consultation will open on the 3rd November so please keep an eye out for more information about how to share your thoughts on this proposal.

Who Cares? Scotland Lifelong Rights Campaign
Who Cares? Scotland have launched their Lifelong Rights campaign to ensure care experienced people have extra protection to ensure they have lifelong rights and independent, relationship based lifelong advocacy.

First Meeting of Cross Government Committee on The Promise
A cross-government committee on The Promise has been convened by First Minister Humza Yousaf featuring Ministers from across government who all play a role in keeping the promise. We will watch with interest to see where this committee leads.

UCAS Apprenticeship Info
UCAS have a great section on their website dedicated to care experienced apprenticeship opportunities and information around funding and additional supports for those looking to become an apprentice.

Barnardo's 'No Bank of Mum and Dad report'
Barnardo's UK have published their latest report on the impact the cost of living crisis is having on care experienced people. Although based on research in England there are many similarities to what we are hearing in Scotland.

Member of the Month: North Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership

North Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Parternship have been a longterm friend and supporter of Staf. There recent work around delivering The Promise has been well documented and highlighted by COSLA as part of their Promise coverage.

We are delighted to be hearing about the work they have been doing to support those moving on from care at our National Conference with a lightning talk from Beth-Anne Logan, their Promise Development Worker.

You can follow their progress via their Twitter account and also through the work of their Champs Board, Today Not Tomorrow.

What we love this month
💜North Lanarkshire's song composted and performed by attendees of their Promise Conference
💜The amazing sights and sounds and collective call for equality and love at this year's Love Rally

💜Our friends Resilience Learning Partnership winning Building Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, & Justice Award at the Social Enterprise Scotland Awards