Subject: CPG on Care Leavers - Joining Instructions

Dear all,

We look forward to welcoming you to the first meeting of the Cross-Party Group on Care Leavers. This will take place this coming Wednesday 22nd June at 12pm on Microsoft Teams.

The link to join the meeting is below. If the link does not work, you can copy and paste it into your browser to access the meeting.

The purpose of this meeting is to shape the group's work plan, to be enacted over its lifetime. Please find the work plan attached here.

An agenda for the meeting is available here.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday. If you have any questions, or require the agenda or work plan in an alternative format, please get in touch with

You are receiving this invitation as you have indicated you wish to be a part of this CPG. If you no longer wish to receive emails relating to the CPG on care leavers, please let us know at

Best wishes,
