Subject: The rise of 6kW+ solar, NSW's dumb battery calculator, another solar myth busted and more

Solar Quotes

Hi everyone,
The NSW Government’s Solar Battery Calculator, designed as a companion to the NSW Home Solar Battery Guide 2020, is up and running. This would only be a good thing if it was up and running out the door, never to be seen again. Discover why.
Voltages on the local grid are routinely - almost always - out of compliance, but as it turns out it barely matters whether solar power systems are on the network or not.
Results from June indicate PV systems larger than 6kW are continuing to be increasingly popular among Australia's prospective home solar buyers. Find out more about what solar shoppers were wanting last month in the latest auSSII report.
More news below!
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Finn Peacock


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You Won’t Believe How Dumb The NSW Government’s New Battery Calculator Is
It had one job to do - inform NSW families if a home battery makes financial sense for them - and this calculator fails miserably.
Solar PV Not Causing LV Network Over-Voltage Problems
You’ve heard the one about how the growth of grid-connected solar power is causing voltage rise on low voltage (LV) networks? I sure have. I’ve written plenty about the phenomenon. I have learned to my surprise that the “blame solar power” narrative simply isn’t true.
Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – July 2020
Results from June indicate PV systems larger than 6kW are continuing to be increasingly popular among Australia’s prospective home solar buyers.  



7 Steps To Tiny Bills For Australian Homeowners - An Amazon Best-Seller!

The Good Solar Guide, authored by SolarQuotes founder Finn Peacock, demystifies the solar buying process in Australia; showing you how many panels you need, which panel brands to buy, which to avoid, and how to find a great installer.

Learn more about The Good Solar Guide

The seven-step process revealed in this book, developed over 10 years in the industry, walks you through understanding, evaluating, buying, installing and using solar to deliver on its promise of tiny electricity bills. Order the book (available in paperback or Kindle) or read the whole book online free! Yes, for free. Crazy eh?



Community Renewables Consultation A Success
A public consultation to help inform the design of a blueprint for locally-owned renewables in regional Australia attracted plenty of interest.
SA Motorists Eyeing Electric Cars
A recent survey has revealed a large proportion of drivers in South Australia are considering an electric car for their next motor vehicle purchase.
Solar Powered Disaster Management Trailer For Rockhampton
In Queensland, Rockhampton Regional Council’s disaster management trailer is about to hit the road; offering important services powered by solar energy.
REC Scores Intersolar Award 2020 For Alpha 
The REC Alpha solar panel has won an Intersolar Award in the photovoltaics category, the second time REC Group has won the coveted award.
Winaico Boosts Solar Panel Product Warranty 
Eligible purchasers of Winaico solar panels in Australia and a bunch of other countries will be able to take advantage of the company’s free extended product warranty program for selected panels.
Solar Power To Help Charge City Of Gold Coast’s New EVs
In Queensland, the City of Gold Coast is showing off six new fully electric vehicles recently acquired for its fleet.
Origin Energy Backing Pretty Pricey Plug-In Battery – Orison Panel
A battery system you can simply plug in to an electrical outlet and take with you when you move house has gained backing from Australia’s Origin Energy.
Another Solar Panel Validation (SPV) Milestone Reached
An initiative launched to provide assurance of the eligibility of solar panels for Australia’s national solar subsidy continues to power ahead.
Renewables Giants Found Lacking On Human Rights
Analysis of the human rights policies and practices of some of the world’s largest publicly traded wind and solar energy companies makes for uncomfortable reading.
Solar Installer Pinged For Providing False Information
Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator has released details of recent compliance action against a Clean Energy Council accredited solar installer.
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Please note in the case of solar panel and inverter reviews, the equipment should have been installed for at least one year.
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NEW! - Solar Battery Reviews
We've kicked off our new battery reviews section with more than 40 manufacturers listed where you can find more information on energy storage companies and read or submit reviews.
NEW! - Virtual Power Plant Comparison Table
Find out details of various Virtual Power Plant (VPP) programs on offer in Australia with our regularly updated VPP comparison table. See which VPP might be best for your home or business.
NEW! Solar And Battery Calculator
Our  new solar calculator provides you a complete picture of the savings and payback for solar power in Australia - with or without batteries - and it's very simple to use.
Solar In Your Location
Our extensive database contains useful information and up-to-date statistics on solar energy for practically every town and suburb in Australia.
Compare Electricity Retailers: Solar Feed-In Tariffs & Energy Prices
An easy to use comparison tool enabling you to instantly see which electricity retailers would be cheapest for a typical solar power system owner in your postcode.

Solar Panel Comparison Table
Easily compare solar panels, specifications and their prices side-by-side in our new solar panel comparison table.
Solar Power Forecast Tool
We developed this handy tool in collaboration with WeatherZone to help you forecast your solar system's output up to 48 hours ahead. 

Important Mistakes To Avoid In Buying Solar 
Don't become a lost sheep in a field of wolves. Learn about the top 7 mistakes people make when buying solar power systems.

Learn more

13 Questions To Ask A Solar Company
Before you sign on the dotted line, ensure you have satisfactory answers to these important questions.

Solar Battery Storage Explained
How to buy a solar system with battery storage. Do you need backup functionality or not? How much should you pay, and what batteries are safe and reliable?
Solar Battery Comparison Table
Discover battery prices and specifications of dozens of energy storage solutions with our solar battery storage comparison table.

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