Subject: Solar rebate update, an Australian-made solar inverter, inverter efficiency savings and more

Solar Quotes

Hi everyone,
There's been something very interesting happening with Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) recently - find out what it is (it's good news) and how it impacts Australia's solar rebate.
Keen on buying an Australian-made solar inverter? We take a look at the Melbourne-manufactured Mil-Solar Eclipse.
While on the topic of inverters, how much can you save over 10 years by choosing a higher efficiency solar inverter? Find the answer here.
Regular readers may remember SolarQuotes is a financial supporter of a remarkable Australian-based enterprise called Pollinate Group. It supports communities in Nepal and India with solar lamps to replace dangerous and polluting kerosene lamps. A little solar can go a long way towards improving lives, but the COVID-19 situation is creating huge challenges for Pollinate's mission - here's how you can help.
More on this and other stories below!
Don't forget you can get 3 solar quotes from trusted solar installers at our website - and everyone can also stay in touch with what's happening on SQ via our Facebook page.

Finn Peacock


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A High Efficiency Inverter Can Save Hundreds Of Dollars Over Its Lifespan
How much can you save over 10 years by choosing a higher efficiency solar inverter? Is it enough to care?
MIL-Solar Produces Australian-Made Eclipse Solar Inverter
The Mil-Solar Eclipse 5kW inverter is manufactured in Melbourne. Here's what you need to know if you want a Australian-made inverter with your panels.
‘Solar Lamp’ Social Enterprise Pollinate Needs Our Help For Its COVID-19 Work
Pollinate Group distribute solar lights in India and Nepal. Those communities are being hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Can you help?



7 Steps To Tiny Bills For Australian Homeowners - An Amazon Best-Seller!

The Good Solar Guide, authored by SolarQuotes founder Finn Peacock, demystifies the solar buying process in Australia; showing you how many panels you need, which panel brands to buy, which to avoid, and how to find a great installer.

Learn more about The Good Solar Guide

The seven-step process revealed in this book, developed over 10 years in the industry, walks you through understanding, evaluating, buying, installing and using solar to deliver on its promise of tiny electricity bills. Order the book (available in paperback or Kindle) or read the whole book online free! Yes, for free. Crazy eh?



Victoria’s Solar Panel And Battery Rebates – The Road Ahead
The latest Notice to Market from Solar Victoria outlines what can be expected in the time ahead for the state’s popular (and at times, problematic) Solar Homes program. 
Community Energy Efficiency and Solar Power Grants Still Available
A federal community energy efficiency grants program has been very popular – interested community groups will need to get their skates on.
Shell Pledges Net Zero Emissions
Has fossil fuel goliath Shell had a real road to Damascus moment? The company says it plans to become a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050. 
City Of Ryde Shooting For 100% Renewables
Sydney’s City of Ryde has committed to 100 percent renewable energy for Council’s electricity requirements by 2030. 
Another Good Reason To Go Solar Now: STC Value
There’s been an interesting turn of events relating to the mechanism that forms the basis of Australia’s solar power subsidy.
400MW Stubbo Solar Farm Project Progress
The scoping report has been submitted for a proposed major solar energy facility in New South Wales’ Mid-Western Regional Council local government area.
Patent Wars: Solaria Vs. Canadian Solar
Solar panel manufacturer Solaria filed suit against Canadian Solar late last month over alleged patent infringement – and now the latter has had its say.
COVID-19’s Impact On Australian Rooftop Solar
Like many other businesses, Australian solar installers have been feeling the pinch of COVID-19. But we’re seeing early signs of what may be some recovery.
Worker Accommodation Sites For Wellington Big Solar Projects Identified
Dubbo Regional Council has been scouting for suitable sites in the Wellington area to house solar farm construction workers – and their wallets.
Read more from the blog



Making Going Solar A COVID-19-Free Experience
In among all the challenges of late, some good news is arranging the purchase of a solar power system and having it installed doesn’t require you to be in close physical contact with anyone – social distancing can be observed.
The Value Of Solar In Uncertain Times
Solar installers are still working – albeit with extra precautions. Make your investments dependent on the strength of the sun – not the strength of the economy.
8 Reasons Why Right Now Is A Great Time To Go Solar
Australians have been a little distracted lately – and who can blame them? But the distraction is leading to some missing out on the advantages of installing solar panels right now.
Most Commercial Solar Can Now Get Instant Asset Write-Off Until June 30
The Federal Government announced a $17.6 billion economic stimulus including tax deduction incentives that makes commercial solar power even more attractive
How The Financial Stimulus Can Help Your Solar Business
If you own a solar business, the government has announced a surprisingly generous support package for small/medium businesses. Here’s what you need to know.



If you're yet to get 3 obligation-free solar quotes from our network of trusted installers, or perhaps you didn't go ahead on a set of quotes issued previously for whatever reason and still want to install solar, now is a great time to submit for fresh quotes!

Fresh Solar Quotes



If you're an Australian solar power system owner and would like to share a review of your solar panels, inverters or installer with other potential Australian PV buyers to assist them in a purchase decision, SolarQuotes is the place to do it!
Please note in the case of solar panel and inverter reviews, the equipment should have been installed for at least one year.
Submit a review: Panels | Inverters | Installers 
Pick up some tips on writing a review.



NEW! - Virtual Power Plant Comparison Table
Find out details of various Virtual Power Plant (VPP) programs on offer in Australia with our regularly updated VPP comparison table. See which VPP might be best for your home or business.
NEW! Solar And Battery Calculator
Our  new solar calculator provides you a complete picture of the savings and payback for solar power in Australia - with or without batteries - and it's very simple to use.
NEW! Solar In Your Location
Our extensive database contains useful information and up-to-date statistics on solar energy for practically every town and suburb in Australia.
NEW! Compare Electricity Retailers: Solar Feed-In Tariffs & Energy Prices
An easy to use comparison tool enabling you to instantly see which electricity retailers would be cheapest for a typical solar power system owner in your postcode.

Solar Panel Comparison Table
Easily compare solar panels, specifications and their prices side-by-side in our new solar panel comparison table.
Solar Power Forecast Tool
We developed this handy tool in collaboration with WeatherZone to help you forecast your solar system's output up to 48 hours ahead. 

Important Mistakes To Avoid In Buying Solar 
Don't become a lost sheep in a field of wolves. Learn about the top 7 mistakes people make when buying solar power systems.

Learn more

13 Questions To Ask A Solar Company
Before you sign on the dotted line, ensure you have satisfactory answers to these important questions.

Solar Battery Storage Explained
How to buy a solar system with battery storage. Do you need backup functionality or not? How much should you pay, and what batteries are safe and reliable?
Solar Battery Comparison Table
Discover battery prices and specifications of dozens of energy storage solutions with our solar battery storage comparison table.

Solar Quotes
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