Subject: Other solar mistakes to avoid, cash vs. financed solar, solar cyborg cockroaches and more

Solar Quotes

Hi everyone,
Kim's just published a sequel to my "7 mistakes people make when buying solar" guide, this time written from the perspective of an ex-solar installer. It's well worth a read!
Recent power price increases are continuing to fuel interest in going solar. The latest auSSII report looks at what Australians were wanting in a system last month - including the proportion intending to buy with cash vs. finance.
So, are we done and dusted with electricity price rises now? Unfortunately, it appears not
And on a completely different note - a solar powered cyborg cockroach!
More news below!
Don't forget you can get 3 solar quotes from trusted solar installers at our website - and everyone can also stay in touch with what's happening on SQ via our Facebook page.

Finn Peacock



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The (Next) Top 7 Mistakes People Make When Buying Solar
A few years ago, Finn wrote about the top 7 mistakes people make when buying solar. See the next top seven from the perspective of an ex-solar installer.
Wholesale Electricity Price Crises Continue — More Hefty Hikes Likely
Australia’s wholesale electricity price crisis is in its fifth month. This ongoing disaster began in April and really took off in May, June, and July. It continued through August, but the crisis wasn’t as crisisy as the previous three months.
September 2022 Australian Solar Systems Interest Index
What’s the proportion of Australians considering buying a solar power system with cash vs. finance? Discover this and a whole lot more in the latest auSSII report.
Even more news below!



7 Steps To Tiny Bills For Australian Homeowners - An Amazon Best-Seller!

The Good Solar Guide, authored by SolarQuotes founder Finn Peacock, demystifies the solar buying process in Australia; showing you how many panels you need, which panel brands to buy, which to avoid, and how to find a great installer.

Learn more about The Good Solar Guide

The seven-step process revealed in this book, developed over 10 years in the industry, walks you through understanding, evaluating, buying, installing and using solar to deliver on its promise of tiny electricity bills. Order the book (available in paperback or Kindle) or read the whole book online free! Yes, for free. Crazy eh?



Cyborg Cockroach Gets A Solar Power Boost
Researchers have come up with a system for creating remote-controlled “cyborg” cockroaches that involves the use of a tiny solar cell and lithium ion battery. But why?
Calls For A National Sustainable Healthcare Unit
Leading health organisations have teamed up to create an implementation plan to slash health-related carbon emissions in Australia that will not only save money, but improve patient care.
Solar Panels To Help Power Tasmanian Irrigation Pumping
A Tasmanian Irrigation initiative will see the first use of solar energy to help power some of the pumps associated with the company’s schemes.
Victoria University Switching On More Solar Power
A bunch of solar panels are being installed on rooftops at Victoria University’s Footscray Park, Werribee and St Albans campuses.
50 Years Of Carbon Capture And Storage (CCS)
You’d think after 50 years of doing something, you’d be pretty good at it. But when it comes to carbon capture and storage, the results are generally abysmal.
Haystacks Solar Garden Offer Launch Is Go
After 5 years in the pipeline, the first large-scale solar garden project in Australia is finally ready to launch its offer.
Singleton Council Celebrates Solar Pledge Fulfilment
New South Wales’ Singleton Council seems pretty pleased with progress on its Cities Power Partnership pledges.
NSW Street-Side Power Pole EV Charging Trial Announced
50 sites across nine local government areas in NSW are to have EV chargers mounted on power poles to service electric car owners who don’t have off-street parking.
Read more from the blog



There's a bunch of hardware and installer reviews along with handy and easy to use tools and calculators on SolarQuotes. Find them by clicking here.



If you're yet to get 3 obligation-free solar quotes from our network of trusted installers, or perhaps you didn't go ahead on a set of quotes issued previously for whatever reason and still want to install solar, now is a great time to submit for fresh quotes!

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If you're an Australian solar power system owner and would like to share a review of your solar panels, inverters, battery or installer with other potential Australian PV buyers to assist them in a purchase decision, SolarQuotes is the place to do it!
Please note in the case of solar panel and inverter reviews, the equipment should have been installed for at least one year.
Submit a review: Panels | Inverters | Batteries | Installers 
Pick up some tips on writing a review.



Understanding Solar
This runs through the basics of residential solar energy and the components that make up the system. It demystifies the magic turning sunlight into clean power for your home that can save you a bundle of cash on your electricity bills, and clearly explains some important concepts you should understand.
Buying Solar
My original guide, updated for 2021 that also includes a printable and video version. Now you have a basic understanding of all the bits that make up a solar power system and how they work to generate electricity, it’s time to think about getting quotes. After reading this, you’ll be able to communicate effectively with a salesperson and be confident you’re paying the right amount of money for a properly-sized system with the right components  – and from the right installer.
Owning Solar
The panels are now on your rooftop and the installers have packed up and left. What should you do now and how can you make the most of the new valuable addition to your home? From checking the installation to maximising electricity bill savings, find the answers here.
Understanding Home Batteries
This chapter will provide you an understanding of solar batteries – and will help you determine if installing one is right for you. It covers topics such as how a home battery works, the different types of energy storage and how energy storage can save you money.
Buying Solar Batteries
My guide to buying solar battery storage provides useful advice on how to go about purchasing a good quality home battery system installation at a reasonable price – and how to identify some of the traps. By reading this, you’ll be better equipped to make a solid purchase decision.
Owning A Battery System
As the proud new owner of home energy storage, you’ll want to make the most of it. This chapter provides very useful information about owning a battery system and maximising the benefits it can provide.
EV Charging 101
This comprehensive guide covers pretty much everything you’ll need to know about EV charging at home and away from it; and all explained clearly.

Learn more
Solar Quotes
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