Subject: Inverter safety, SQ TV Ep. 5 - foodies and solar, dynamic solar exports and more.

Solar Quotes

Hi everyone,
SolarQuotes TV Episode 5 is live - it's the all you can eat and drink edition! 
In this episode: Which is best – a solar-electric or wood-fire cooked pizza? Our field test provides surprising results. 
We also check out a Barossa region wine family’s big dream to become carbon-neutral. In solar tech, we look at the ease of freeze – using thermal storage to solar power a coolroom; and ripe for the picking – solar energy makes a tomato farm in the South Australian desert possible and profitable. All this and more - check it out here!

Solar Quotes TV Episode 4

On a related note and with winter upon us, it was the perfect time for Ronald to write about slow cookers and how useful they are for solar households. Discover their benefits, pick up a great slow cooker recipe and learn how a Tesla Powerwall prevented Ronald's chicken satay surprise from becoming a chicken satay shocker.
On a completely different topic, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) audited solar inverters for electromagnetic compliance. The worst thing they found? Missing stickers. Find out more here.
More news below!
Don't forget you can get 3 solar quotes from trusted solar installers at our website - and everyone can also stay in touch with what's happening on SQ via our Facebook page.

Finn Peacock


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Foodies Saving Money With Solar – SolarQuotes TV Episode 5
This month’s SolarQuotes TV episode is the all you can eat and drink edition, showing how solar can slash costs and environmental damage in the processing and cooking of food.
Slow Cookers & Solar — A Perfect Combination (Free Bonus Recipe!)
Winter is here. The cold month of June is upon us. In Adelaide where I dwell, winter brings grey skies and decreased solar output. The cold, dark of the evening arrives early and brings a time for family, fellowship, and food. Now is the perfect time for me to write about slow cookers and solar. 
Audit Finds Electromagnetic Radiation From Solar Inverters At Safe Levels
We’re so accustomed to seeing electrical products with compliance stickers and certificates, it’s a safe bet that most of us barely notice them. So here’s a handy reminder that those stickers and certificates matter.



7 Steps To Tiny Bills For Australian Homeowners - An Amazon Best-Seller!

The Good Solar Guide, authored by SolarQuotes founder Finn Peacock, demystifies the solar buying process in Australia; showing you how many panels you need, which panel brands to buy, which to avoid, and how to find a great installer.

Learn more about The Good Solar Guide

The seven-step process revealed in this book, developed over 10 years in the industry, walks you through understanding, evaluating, buying, installing and using solar to deliver on its promise of tiny electricity bills. Order the book (available in paperback or Kindle) or read the whole book online free! Yes, for free. Crazy eh?



Cool Solar Energy Project Wins QLD Sustainability Award
Solar energy is commonly used to heat water, but in Queensland’s Bulloo Shire, it’s being utilised to cool a town’s water supply – and the project has helped the local council win an award.
Polysilicon: Price And Forced Labour Concerns Persist
The global spot price average for a crucial element of solar panels – polysilicon – is close to four times what it was in late May last year. Meanwhile, forced labour concerns continue to cast a shadow over the polysilicon sector.
Hunter Water Solar Rollout Progress
Another installation has recently been completed in NSW’s Hunter Water’s shift to harnessing solar energy to help power its operations.
Australians Oppose New Coal, But Many Fall For Gas Spin
Recently released poll results indicate the majority of Australians are against new coal mines and the federal government providing subsidies for building new coal-fired power plants.
GoodWe Reaches 1GW Of Inverter Shipments To Australia
After 9 years in the Australian market, Chinese solar inverter manufacturer GoodWe is celebrating 1,000MW of capacity supplied to Australia.
A Dynamic Solar Exports Future Looks Bright
A South Australian trial has demonstrated higher levels of energy exports from solar and battery systems can be achieved through dynamic (flexible) export limits rather than fixed.
How Good Is Coal? Callide Power Station Fire
Coal power in Australia copped yet another blow last week, with a fire/explosion occurring at Callide Power Station in Queensland.
The R In ARENA Is For Renewable
Labor says it will attempt to thwart the Morrison Government’s action to divert the Australian Renewable Energy Agency from focusing on renewables.
Victorian Government Seeking Door-To-Door Solar Sales Ban
Door-to-door solar sales will be banned under Victoria’s Solar Homes Program as part of new legislation introduced to the state’s Parliament last week.
Read more from the blog



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Solar Battery Reviews
We've kicked off our new battery reviews section with more than 40 manufacturers listed where you can find more information on energy storage companies and read or submit reviews.
Virtual Power Plant Comparison Table
Find out details of various Virtual Power Plant (VPP) programs on offer in Australia with our regularly updated VPP comparison table. See which VPP might be best for your home or business.
Solar And Battery Calculator
Our  new solar calculator provides you a complete picture of the savings and payback for solar power in Australia - with or without batteries - and it's very simple to use.
Solar In Your Location
Our extensive database contains useful information and up-to-date statistics on solar energy for practically every town and suburb in Australia.
Compare Electricity Retailers: Solar Feed-In Tariffs & Energy Prices
An easy to use comparison tool enabling you to instantly see which electricity retailers would be cheapest for a typical solar power system owner in your postcode.

Solar Panel Comparison Table
Easily compare solar panels, specifications and their prices side-by-side in our new solar panel comparison table.
Solar Power Forecast Tool
We developed this handy tool in collaboration with WeatherZone to help you forecast your solar system's output up to 48 hours ahead. 

Important Mistakes To Avoid In Buying Solar 
Don't become a lost sheep in a field of wolves. Learn about the top 7 mistakes people make when buying solar power systems.

Learn more

13 Questions To Ask A Solar Company
Before you sign on the dotted line, ensure you have satisfactory answers to these important questions.

Solar Battery Storage Explained
How to buy a solar system with battery storage. Do you need backup functionality or not? How much should you pay, and what batteries are safe and reliable?
Solar Battery Comparison Table
Discover battery prices and specifications of dozens of energy storage solutions with our solar battery storage comparison table.

Solar Quotes
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