Subject: #SoulBlast - Pitt’s 51st Annual Jazz Seminar and Concert Celebrates Pianist Erroll Garner January 24-29

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#SoulBlast - Pitt’s 51st Annual Jazz Seminar and Concert Celebrates Pianist Erroll Garner January 24-29

The sounds of jazz return to the University of Pittsburgh main campus January 24 through 29, 2022, for the 51st Annual Pitt Jazz Seminar and Concert. The virtual event will feature performances by Pitt jazz students and faculty, a symposium on musicians’ rights, a virtual tour of the Erroll Garner Archives housed at Pitt, and a concert performance showcasing critically acclaimed pianist Orrin Evans with Pittsburgh-based musicians.


The music, performances and discussions will focus on the late Pittsburgh legend Erroll Garner (1921-1977), who penned the popular jazz standard “Misty,” and who, after wowing audiences with performances on riverboats and at The Hurricane in the Hill District, left Pittsburgh in his twenties for a successful career in New York City.


All events are free and offered online to the public and the Pitt community. Performances will be streamed on the Music at Pitt YouTube channel.


More information about the jazz seminar events can be found on Questions can be emailed to the Jazz Studies office at

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