Subject: Taking it easy and creating space

Hello Friends, 

How are you? Thank you for the love and support for last week's email. It means so much to me when you share how a story impacts you. Last week's email was featured in (drum roll please): Gail Boenning's 3musesmerge newsletter. Gail is an Author of three wonderful books and she explores the different voices of her muses in her newsletter. I'm so honored and happy that I wanted to celebrate by taking a break this week and letting someone else tell the story. I tried to summon my muses, but I realized that requires one to be open, receptive, and highly skilled like my friend, Gail. So, I relied on someone, who is always there for me at the oddest hours for the dirtiest of jobs. Without further ado, here's this week's story.

My friend and I live in a closet right next to the Owner’s bedroom. We saw her daily but now only see her twice a week. I’m relieved, but my friend upstairs is not too thrilled. 

“Are you kidding me? I’d rather have her space it out than bombard us with so much in two days,” said my friend. 

“Be quiet! Here comes the Owner,”  I warned my friend.

Owner opened up my friend’s door and slammed it. She called out to Owner # 2. We barely saw Owner # 2. It was only when there was a complaint, he appeared. 

Owner # 1: “Shakil, the dryer’s not working again. The clothes are still wet.”

Owner # 2: “OK. I’ll see if we can replace this dryer. Sana, are you sure the dryer’s the problem?”

Owner # 1: “What else can it be?” 

Owner # 2: “Maybe you are putting too many clothes in the dryer”. 

Owner # 1 put her hands on her waist and made her eyes bigger, which signaled Owner # 2 to agree and retreat. 

Owner pushed our buttons, shook her head, and shut us back in the dark. 

“Here we go, again! Do you think she’ll ever learn, Washer?” My friend, Dryer, asked. 

“I don’t know. You notice she has a pattern of stuffing and cramming everything into tiny spaces?” I asked. 

“You are telling me? I don’t think I can dry these clothes. It’s way beyond my capacity.” 

“I’m so sorry. Did you hear her talk to her friend, Alison, the other day? They are doing an audit of all the courses they signed up for last year. Turns out Owner signed up for way more than she could finish.

“Why am I not surprised? Just like her to stuff everything in and try to do more than humanly possible. And now she’s doing it to us.” 

“Maybe there’s hope for her, yet. She said her word for the new year is space. She wants to create more space to simply be."

“Space my beeeeeeeep,” said Dryer.  

“What’s that?” I asked. 

“I’m beeping. It happens when I malfunction. I can’t do this anymore.” 

Owner came back and stared at us with her hand on her chin. She opened up Dryer, took out some clothes, and put them aside in a laundry basket. She pushed Dryer’s buttons and Dryer magically started to work again. 

“Oh, I can breathe. There’s so much space inside of me. I can finally do my job,” said Dryer. 

After that day, we saw shifts in Owner. She didn’t bombard us with lots of clothes. Instead of shortcuts, she took her time in dividing up the clothes by color and fabric. Owner became more intentional and more compassionate towards us. She also seemed more content. 

“Dryer, I think Owner was looking for shortcuts to life’s problems by signing up to all those courses.”

“Yup. I hope she learned there are no shortcuts and you can’t cram it all in because if she didn’t I’m gonna beeeeeep.” 


It was so much fun to give voice to my Washer and Dryer, the hardest working duo in this household.

Check out my friend Gail's 3musesmerge newsletter.

If you liked this week's story, I'd love it if you could share it with a friend. Thank you for your continued love and support.

With love and gratitude, 

Sana Fayyaz



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